Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1416: Your Little Work 7

“Xiao Xiao Dance -” His Royal Highness glanced at Feng Dance, “What do you want? ”

"" I want your flowers. ”

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone looked at the dance with a strange look.

“Oh, my God! ”

“Phoenix is truly the most daring girl I've ever seen in my life...”

“Alone, Yamoh just dared to send flowers, and she herself... wanted flowers from His Majesty! ”

“On this special occasion, what does His Highness send flowers for… who knows and who does not? ”

“I've heard that the royal family seems to want to marry the Left Family, and Left Green is the princess's choice. ”

“Isn't it? I also heard that Left Green is the body of true phoenix blood, how can phoenix dance compare? ”

“This phoenix dance is so thoughtful!” Left Qingyu took the opportunity to add oil and vinegar, "she deliberately sent His Highness flowers, and now deliberately brought them back, creating the illusion that His Highness sent her flowers... Wow, this phoenix dance is really amazing! ”

After this explanation by Qingyu left, many people understood the wonders of this, and blamed the phoenix dance all the time.

And the phoenix dance, like His Royal Highness demanding a bouquet of flowers... spreads quickly throughout the Kaleidoscope Jonglin, like wings.

The gossip about celebrities such as King's Landing and Phoenix dance is the fastest spread.

Phoenix, can't you hear what everyone's saying about her? She can hear you.

But anyway, she still had to bow her head to King's Landing.

King Lin Yuan's eyes darkened and he glanced at the phoenix with a smile. “What do you want, these flowers? ”

King Linyuan's playful eyes stared at the phoenix dance and swayed the bouquet of flowers in his hand.

“Mm-hmm...” Feng Dance stared at Jong-hwa and reached out: “I thought about it, but I decided not to disturb you, so should I return the flowers? ”

Phoenix danced as if it were an Abacus.

She was going to grab the flowers and run away, but--

Is His Royal Highness so foolish?

“Do not disturb?” His Royal Highness's dark eyes squeezed in an instant!

She's the one who took the initiative. She's the one who took it back? What does this girl think he is?

Your Highness, those black eyes are filled with a stormy wave of tranquility!

“Yes, I was wrong...” Phoenix bit her lower lip and looked sincere.

She stuffed a flower into the arms of King's Landing, which she had seized from Lonely Amor. "This flower is beautiful. My flowers are stuffed, so give it back to me. ”

His Majesty's deep eyes cast out the most dangerous fierce light!

The eyes are heavy and dark as stars covered by thick clouds.

A murderous sense of oppression, covered in phoenix!

The phoenix dance just felt a chill sweep in, slight chills on the back of the spine, and the body trembled...

It's cold...

What a horrible look...

The phoenix dance dared not look into the raging eyes of the bloody orangutans of King Linyuan.

“Didn't you just... dislike the flowers?” Phoenix said weakly.

King Linyuan grinned. The warmth in his deep eyes suddenly faded. Black and dark were like horrible black holes!

That beautiful, suffocating look is like a cold frost, ink-dyed eyebrows, like a sheathed sword, murderous.

“Uh...” The phoenix dance didn't dare to make a scene.

“Phoenix, do you like me that much?” His Royal Highness, do not speak slowly.
