Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1460

Soon there will be news coming from the Phoenix...

The phoenix dance was beaten by King Linyuan and ran back. As a result, the palace nurse chased it out and brought the phoenix back again.

How popular is King's Landing?

The phoenix dance is also the crowd of the wind.

Everyone was curious about them, so in less than an hour, the news spread to every corner of the Empire.

Even the Queen got the news.

“What, the phoenix was beaten by Jung-goon? ”

The old Buddha had a very bad impression of phoenix, and she was even less pleased with the news from Bixi.

So when she heard the news, her heart was still dark.

“In that case, let her take care of her injuries at the Prince's residence, and this winter hunt will remove her spot!” The queen doesn't want to see the phoenix.

Princess Fengbei was about to speak, but the queen glanced straight at her: "Shut up! You don't need to mention her in front of the mourning family anymore, or you won't even like her! ”

Feng Bei Feng suddenly caught a sigh of breath in her chest.

What can she do in the face of such a random old lady?

There are no walls in the world that are impervious, let alone the decree of the Queen herself.

So before the phoenix dance and the palace nurse had returned to the prince's house, the phoenix dance was reprimanded by the queen and removed from the list of winter hunting, which had already been spread.

How is it possible if the news spreads so fast that it is not fuelled by someone with a heart?

The nurses were late again, so they didn't hear the news until the next day--

Winter hunting is by no means an easy task for the Emperor's family, but how many people serve King's Landing? So put it away very quickly.

Early the next day--

The phoenix dance is sleeping in confusion and feels its nose freezing.

She opened her eyes and saw the mighty and overbearing monarch sitting at her bed right now.

Phoenix waved his hand off and stared at him: "What are you doing, King's Landing? ”


His Royal Highness was so arrogant that he was slapped open by a phoenix dancer that he felt ashamed.

Originally said by the housekeeper last night, he also realized that he seemed to have done something bad to the phoenix dance. At this time, he was just about to say a few words to the phoenix dance to show some peace.

But the phoenix dance was rejected a thousand miles away, and instantly annoyed His Royal Highness.

Feng Dance didn't know he had pissed off King's Landing Yuan and stared at him: “Even if you are a prince, it doesn't make sense to just go into the girl's room?! I have dignity, too! ”

King Linyuan laughed coldly and spoke without thinking: “Oh, as the warm-bed little girl of this temple, what more dignity do you think you have? ”

The phoenix dance almost got pissed off as soon as it came out!

Her eyes were filled with blood, and the scarlet was red: "King's Landing! What are you talking about? ”

The housekeeper outside the door wanted to shoot his royal highness for minutes.

He's really helpless.

When it comes to IQ, His Royal Highness can say crush everything. When it comes to emotional intelligence, everyone bows down to him... but when it comes to dancing with phoenix... His Highness is completely ignorant. Why is that?

Watching these young men quarrel again, the housekeeper hurriedly stopped: “Your Highness, there are still many pieces here that need your signature. ”

With this step, King Linyuan turned around and glanced at Feng Dance: “You little girl, give me some reflection! ”

Say it, and King's Landing will grow.