Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1462 Exit 1

"" …… "

She wouldn't be happy to go on a winter hunt, would she? This is such a great opportunity for her to celebrate with firecrackers.

“Are you sure I'm not eligible for winter hunting?” Phoenix stared at Bixi, his eyes were deep and he could not see the bottom.

Bixi chuckled: “Phoenix, you really want to participate in this winter hunt, unfortunately, you really don't deserve it, hahahaha--”

Bixi has a kind of genuine pride when it comes to wanting to go to Phoenix Dance.

But the phoenix--

When she heard she didn't have the right to go, she was pissed off!

If she doesn't have any excess, she turns around and walks into the room.

Fast and unresponsive.

By the time Bixi reacted, the phoenix dance was hundreds of meters away.

For a moment, Bixi stood still. She looked at Phoenix Dance's definite departure from the back, and then turned to look at Zhen Xia. The whole person was stunned.

“She just left?” Bixi looked at Zhen Xia and muttered.

Zhen Xiaduo, a wise man, she did not want to participate in the battle between Bixi and Phoenix, so she prayed to Bixi Yingying, after a week, with the little girl behind her, left without a word.

Bixi: “…”

His Royal Highness is already sitting in the car at this moment, but he is furious all over his body. Who dares to provoke him when he looks like he is not close?

Don't say bystanders, even the housekeeper can't communicate normally with King Lin Yuan.

“Why haven't you left yet?” Your Highness is impatient!

That bad girl has a bad temper. She can't make a joke at all. The more His Highness wants to be angry!

“Your Highness, there are still people not here, especially Phoenix...”

However, the housekeeper's words were not finished, and His Royal Highness shouted and shouted: “Don't go until you are all here! ”

His Royal Highness, confused by the phoenix dance, did not understand the words of the housekeeper.

The housekeeper was speechless. He knew that his highness must not have heard clearly, so he raised his voice: “Your Highness, Miss Feng Dance is not here yet...”

The heart of King's Landing moved.

No one can touch his heart, not the Empress, but the Phoenix... as long as these two words appear, they represent a special meaning.

It's just--

His Royal Highness has always taken the upper hand.

“How dare she not come? Okay, okay, that's funny. That's funny!” King Linyuan sneered: “Then let her stay in the Prince's house! Let's go!”

At the end of the day, King's Landing waved, indicating the departure of others.

Bixi is one of the girls who accompanies her.

She didn't have that spot, but who let her be the queen? One word from the Empress Buddha, she was allowed to accompany her.

She was still a little nervous after the phoenix dance today, afraid that Her Royal Highness would settle for her after autumn.


Now that I hear the words of King Lin Yuan, Bixiton is angry!

Phoenix dance, Phoenix dance, I thought you would have more or less a place in His Majesty's heart, but I didn't think... so do you!

Bixi's heart, completely let go.

Every winter hunt goes to the Serna grasslands.

Serna Prairie, where the Serna tribe is located, is the strongest race in the empire of Junwu, known as the race on horseback.

The biggest characteristic of this race of people is that they are tall, fat, natural, and combative.