Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1550: This Is Awkward 4


Sister Miyagi thought it was stable and proper, but something went wrong.

“Miss Dance, why is this?” The sister-in-law's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

“Received ten percent anger value from His Majesty. ”

The phoenix dance had not spoken yet, and the sound came into my mind, which almost made the phoenix dance happy.

Good, King's Landing did hear it, and she was as angry as she expected.

“Because...” Phoenix twisted her head and thought of a reason: "Your Highness is angry with me right now. If you knew I made the meal, you'd be angrier, wouldn't you? So I really can't do this. ”

Phoenix danced and watched the emotional fluctuations of King's Landing.

However, for this reason, King's Landing Abyss did not have any emotional reaction, which is disturbing.

“That's not the reason.” Sister Miyagi is staring at the phoenix, “Miss Dance, please give a convincing reason. ”

At this moment, Phoenix was exploring the ups and downs of King's Landing, so she figured out another reason: “Well... what if I don't want to cook? ”

“Why don't you want to cook?” Sister Miyagi frowned deeply, "because Miss Dance was too tired? ”

Phoenix: “Well, that's not true, mainly... I don't want to cook for His Majesty anymore. ”

“Received 20% anger value from King's Landing. ”

”" …… "

In vagueness, Phoenix seems to have caught something, but it seems to have caught nothing.

The nurse frowned more tightly: "Miss Dance, are you kidding me? ”

Sister Miyagi spoke while holding her eyes to show her phoenix dance.

Sound insulation is not good here, and His Royal Highness is in the next room, so every word that Phoenix now says will be passed into His Highness's ear.

But what Sister Miyagi did not know was that these words of phoenix dance were deliberately given to King Linyuan.

“Cough, it's not a joke with the nurse.” Phoenix smiled bitterly, "I really don't want to cook for His Majesty. ”

“Why?” Sister Palace is aggressive.

“Because...” Phoenix tries to think of a reason, "because... because it's too hard, people don't know, don't you, Sister Miyagi? Every time you want to cook well, you have to use the power of the Spirit Array, and every time the power of the Spirit Array runs, it takes a lot of energy. If you continue like this, I fear that my spiritual energy will be squeezed dry. ”

Phoenix danced with a bitter smile and watched the movement in her mind.

It's so obvious that she refused. Should King Linyuan be angrier now?

But what never occurred to Phoenix was...

“Received 5% anger value from King's Landing. ”

“Received a one-percent angry emotional value from King's Landing. ”

“The angry emotional value of King's Landing Abyss, disappeared. ”

"" …… "

What the hell?

King Linyuan was not angry, but the phoenix dance almost jumped!

She refused to cook for King's Landing. Why did he get a little angry and suddenly not get angry?

Unfortunately, His Highness King Lin Yuan, who is uncertain and unreasonable, this anger value is really desperate...

What are we gonna do?

“Miss Dance? Miss Dance?” Sister Miyagi cried out to her when she saw the phoenix.

At this time, the housekeeper opened the door and walked out of the camp.

He looked at the phoenix dance. The more gentle his face was, the more his eyes were filled with laughter.

“If Miss Dance doesn't want to, then she won't do it. If she doesn't want to do it in the future, she's free to do it. No one can force you to do it for any reason.” The housekeeper smiled and stared at the phoenix dance, “that's what His Royal Highness said. ”