Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1568

Junwu Emperor saw the phoenix dance at a glance and frowned for a moment.

This phoenix dance... what a mess.

“Bring them here.” The Emperor commanded the White Duke.

The White Duke nodded and walked over.

At this moment, the Phoenix dance sees Princess Sephira must be compared to her. She is about to promise to come down, a whip of vengeance, is that so easy to dissipate?

But she hasn't spoken yet, and the public has arrived.

Therefore, even though the travelers were reluctant, they were all eventually invited to the King Wu Emperor.

“What's going on? ”

High above King Wu Emperor, his eyes swept from the faces of the people present, and he was finally set on the face of the phoenix dance.

Speaking of King Wu Emperor's impression of phoenix dance... is really emotional, he doesn't even know what to do with phoenix dance.

The girl was an amazing talent, but she disobeyed like King's Landing.

“She's going to kill me.” The phoenix dance is simple and simple, but the people present will be frightened.

Princess Saphira didn't even think of it. The phoenix dance was so bold!

For a while, everyone's eyes focused on Princess Cephira's face!

Princess Saphira stared at the phoenix!

Phoenix danced arrogantly and was not threatened by her.

Senal Khan glanced at Princess Sifei and said slightly blamelessly: “How can you do this? You're too proud, you know that? ”

Is that a scolding tone? There was some discontent in the heart of Junwu Emperor.

As soon as the princess Saphira threw her whip, she snorted proudly and coldly: "It's just a little girl slave. Kill her and kill her. What does it matter? Shut up! ”

Is she a little girl? Princess Senal's eyes swept over the phoenix dance, and her heart praised it implicitly, but she was a pretty little slave.

Senal Khan didn't think of killing a female slave, but he wanted to show it to the King Wu Emperor.

So he glanced at Princess Saphira again: "How can you be so discreet? You think she's a slave on the prairie, you can kill her? Why don't you apologize to His Majesty? ”

In the words of Senal Khan, it is meant that the princess Se Fai on the meadow can kill female slaves arbitrarily, so it is not intentional against this female slave now, and if the King Wu emperor compares, then he is intolerant.

And at this moment, the majestic tiger eyes of Junwu Emperor, dangerously half-witted, stared at Princess Sifei.

Junwu Emperor is a very short and contradictory man.

When there are no external contradictions, his attitude towards phoenix dance can be a little complicated, but once there is an external contradiction, the King Wu Emperor begins to protect the short.

Princess Zephyr was very reluctant, but eventually came forward and punched Junwu Emperor: “Your Majesty, I was too angry with you. I killed her in public so that I could show you the joke. I must apologize. Don't be angry. ”

Jun Wu Di almost died of her apology.

What Princess Saphira meant to say was that she apologized for her public killing, but she should have killed Phoenix in secret.

The dangerous eyes of Junwu Emperor emitted a cold light. Instead of speaking to Princess Cephira, he turned his head and the cold voice was sweating at Senal.

Junwu Emperor: “Who said she was a slave? ”


Senal Khan had a bad premonition in his heart.

The three princesses and others who stand not far away are also in the heart of Rin!

No, Your Majesty, this is clearly toward Phoenix.