Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1651

His Excellency suddenly turned around and looked at Phoenix with cold eyes: "Is everything agreed with the princess? ”

Good thing Phoenix asked a lot of questions from Cat 9 before, so now she can take it.

“Yes, master.” Congratulations, Phoenix.

“Remember, this time, nothing is more important than the kind of divine source!” My lord, your face is serious.

“Yes, master.” Phoenix nodded.

At this moment, the phoenix suddenly felt a shadow over her.

The phoenix dance is a bit of a mumble inside. Isn't the immense man standing too close?

Is it necessary to be so close to each other?

Just when the phoenix dance felt a little strange, suddenly, a sudden finger lifted her jaw!


The phoenix dance was instantly stiff, eyes wide open!

Did they find out?

Was the mighty man trying to fool her?

Is she going to do it?

What if the mighty lord has no proof?

Just as the heart of the phoenix struggled, that hand held the phoenix's jaw!

“What are you thinking?” The tone of an immense adult has become less stiff.

"" …… "

It's not that she doesn't want to talk, it's that she doesn't know what to say.

Because if she's wrong, she's exposed herself.

“Kangyan, are you still so stubborn?” There is a hint of helplessness in the voice of the mighty adult, and a hint of drowning in the helplessness.

Kang Yan?

When I heard the name, I felt like a phoenix.

Such a familiar name, as if I'd heard it somewhere.

Ah, by the way--

Phoenix suddenly remembers!

The name Kangyan, not long ago, was on the woodworker's token!

The name on the wooden plaque is Kangyan.

To think of it, the phoenix dance was a dark relief because...

The great adult did not recognize that the cat nine was impersonated in front of him. His abnormal behavior was only because the person in front of him was the cat nine.

It's just--

Phoenix dances seem a little strange to me when I think of the intimate action that the mighty adult has taken on Cat Nine.

Isn't that what she thinks it is?

If that's true... Phoenix danced a chill, it's not true, it must not be...

However, as if God had fought her exclusively, Phoenix had just convinced himself not to think so. His hands had held Phoenix's shoulders in front of him.

No, you're not.

The heart of the phoenix dance trembled for a moment, almost resisting.

“Weir, you always do.” The drowning in the eyes of the mighty adult gradually becomes sad, "why do you always reject me a thousand miles away? ”

”" …… "

Is this really the brutal mysterious black man she met before?

Turns out he's also sad and weak in front of certain people, but...

The heart of the phoenix dance was cold.

Lord Zheng did this to Kangyan. If he knew that Kangyan was dead in his own hands, what anger and hatred would he have erupted at that time?

To think of it, the heart of the phoenix was tightened for a while.

The phoenix dance was tight inside, and her body trembled.

And her trembling, the mighty lord went one step further, and he stretched out his generous, hot hand and caressed his cheeks.

“Weir, Weir, for your sake, I can betray the whole world, why do you always feel ashamed to see people? ”

Lord Zheng's sharp hands, inches in the face of the phoenix dance: “You've worn this human skin mask for so long that I've forgotten what my weir looks like. ”

The great lord moaned, his fingers have...