Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1685 Face Strike 4 1

The Black Monster gorilla was originally fierce, so provoked by the Firebird, it immediately burst!

“Ha-ha-ha, you fool, dare you chase me?!” The Phoenix threw another stone at the Black Monster gorilla.

Blackdemon gorilla blast!

It is provoked by a little warcraft flying in the realm of spirituality!

It's intolerable!

Just at this moment, a loud noise--

Phoenix flies out.

The Dark Monkey Gorilla is so humble, he laughs and quickly catches up!

Because of the confusion, the Black Monster gorilla didn't know that there was another human little girl hiding in the grass.

You know, warcraft are geographically divided, and the more powerful the warcraft, the more domain conscious it is.

Within a radius of 10 kilometers, it is all in the realm of the Black Monster gorilla. There is no way that any other warcraft can dare approach it, so the Black Monster gorilla thinks its cave is safe.


Just after the Black Monster Gorilla chased out--

Phoenix rushes into the cave at the fastest speed!

In the cave, a little chimpanzee, with her big, glistening eyes, watching the phoenix dance, curious about strange creatures.

“Hi -” Phoenix greeted him with a smile as she approached him.

Dark gorilla smiles like a little black angel, but just as the phoenix dance approached it, it suddenly changed its face, sharp claw teeth toward the phoenix dance throat to catch it!

“Mahjong, it's delicious! ”

Speaking of which, it's as fast as a lightning bolt. Quickly and severely!

This is definitely not something a little cub can show.

She slipped beneath the feet of the phoenix dancer and sidestepped away from the black gorilla, while at the same time she walked behind the black gorilla!


The phoenix dance was supposed to hit the chimpanzee with one fist, but the chimpanzee wasn't easy.

It's got an evil laugh in its mouth!

“Sleepy!” The black gorilla stared at the corner and made a commanding sound.

The phoenix subconsciously looked up, this look, her eyes tightened!

Turns out in the cave, there's a huge spider web, tough texture, white glitter, like a sharp blade!

And with the order of the black gorilla, the spider web fell from the sky, splitting his head on the phoenix and smashing his face!


A creepy laugh was heard in the mouth of the black gorilla.

The face of the phoenix is tight and the divine colour is even more condensed!

The bloody hippocampus helped her to lead Azure away, and the flamingo helped her to lead the Dark Monster gorillas away. They were dangerous and they were still alive. Can't she handle even a Dark Monster gorilla?

The long sleeves of the phoenix dancer suddenly grew long, grabbed the black gorilla's leg and dragged it outward.

Poor little black gorilla, usually within ten miles of here is also a hegemony. If you want to eat any warcraft, you can eat any warcraft. If you want to harm any family, you can harm any family...

It's really bad luck to have a phoenix dance today.

The black gorilla was dragged out by a phoenix dance, while the white spider web fell!

“Grab it! ”

The little devil gorilla got angry and yelled at the spider.

“Okay, young master!” Spider's excited!


They underestimate the speed of the phoenix.

The moment the white spider web falls, the phoenix rushes forward at the fastest possible speed!


Just in time, not covered by spider webs!

And the white spider web just wraps the little devil gorilla up!