Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1788

But Princess Syphilis jumped up and down like a flea.

She glanced at Phoenix and smiled. “Phoenix, don't you think everyone knows? Your biggest fault is that you didn't kill me and give me the opportunity to tell the truth in front of everyone! ”

“Gentlemen -” Princess Saphira turned her head to look at the phoenix dance and smiled. “You know why the phoenix dance was promoted so quickly is selling you! ”

One time!

Brush, brush...

Nearly all eyes are on Princess Cephira!

Never before, if the eyes were focused on Princess Sifei, a smile appeared on her face. She glanced at the phoenix dance and smiled. “Because of her, she sold the news of our five men to the White Ghost! That's why the White King of Ghosts raised her strength to seven stars! ”


“Anything like that? ”

“Who did she sell? ”

“How did she sell it? ”

“The White Ghost King is indeed one of the three great Ghost Kings. ”


Everyone was excited to see Princess Saphira sneer: "Our Feng Dance County master, she will bring the Second Prince, Princess Ming Lan, Left Qingxian, and even Xuan and Feng! Phoenix sold the news of the five men to the White Ghost King. Why the five of them? Because they're all young spiritual strongmen! ”

“Only such a young and powerful soul can enter the eyes of the White Ghost King!” The more excited Princess Saphira is, "so please note, if anything happens to you, it's all because of the phoenix dance! ”

The Ghost King in White looked at the phoenix dance with a smile: “You don't even stand up to refute being defiled by someone who choreographs it like this? ”

Phoenix: “Do you think anyone will believe this nonsense? ”

White Ghost King: “Someone will believe that. ”

Feng Dance laughed: "Those who believe in me will not believe no matter how they are stigmatized by others; those who do not believe in me will find their own reasons even if Princess Zephyr does not. So why do I have to explain to others when I'm acting like a phoenix? ”

The Ghost King in White watched the phoenix dance unexpectedly, and the colour of praise appeared in his eyes.

The white fairy actually had a really good impression of the phoenix dance, but it was only good, but now I see her so calm and accommodating... I can't help but respect her.

If this were any other girl, she would have cried a long time ago. Even if she hadn't cried, she would have passed out.

“Kind of funny.” The fairy in white touched her chin and her mouth slightly raised an arc.


“You fart! ”

Faced with the words of Princess Si Fei Fang, the wind couldn't sit down for the first time, he rushed up to play Si Fei Fang Princess!

The Spiritual Horizon guard beside the Grand Prince came out two people, one left and one right to stop the wind.

The windy feet are going to kick the princess: “Bullshit! Stop talking nonsense! Don't you dare insult me again, I'll kill you! ”

In the face of those bloody fierce eyes, the Princess Saphira fell preoccupied.

But after all, the wind is not King's Landing, and he is not as lethal to Princess Sephira.

After taking two steps back, Princess Saphira grinned at the struggling wind: “Watch it, you will soon be killed by the phoenix dance! ”

The wind breaks free, and the anger rushes to fight against the princess.

Princess Saphira shrugged, turning around and hiding behind Senal Khan.

Senal Khan slapped Princess Cephira in the head...