Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1805 Face Punching Formula 4 2

The two princes and the three princesses had excellent relations, so seeing the three princesses like this, he had an uncontrollable anger on his face!

How dare someone kill a princess!

“I'll go after him! ”

Left Qingxian dropped the three princesses and flew forward lightning fast!

“Come on, run! In less than ten seconds, the one named Left Qingxian will catch up!” The white fairy is sweating on her forehead.

Phoenix danced with a tight face, silent, and the speed erupted to the extreme.

“If you get caught… you can't resist if the other side is a spiritual state.” The fairy in white told Phoenix the fastest results.

“He'll see the body of Left Green Feather.” The phoenix dance was not indiscriminate, but rather calmly told the fairy in white.

Fairies in white don't understand.

"“ Left Qingxian and left Qingyu are brothers and sisters. ”

“Ah -” The fairy in white suddenly realized, “I see, no wonder you left the body of Qingyu...” I threw it in such a obvious place, so it was to disturb each other's mind.

The fairy in white couldn't help but look at the phoenix.

In such a tense and dangerous situation, she can still calmly complete the pre-arrangement, this calm after the desperate... is admirable enough.

The fairy in white couldn't help but think of the impatience and the impatience before, Father looked at her helplessly, and she said, "O fairy, if you have this calm after you are in a state of despair, Father, how can you keep this throne?"

The fairy in white laughed so hard, how could she not be such a privileged little girl?

And at this moment Zuo Qingxian ——

He looked up and saw a dark red corner flying over the corner!

He's got confidence. Give him three more seconds and he'll catch each other!

When at the most critical moment--


A heavy object fell from the beam!

When Qingxian left clapped his hands, he swung the heavy object away.

He raised his corner with a smile: “Little tricks, you dare to do it in front of my son...”

However, the voice of Qingxian left has not fallen, but his figure is stiff in place.

Because he saw the physical appearance...

He slapped her into a fleshy corpse... her face can still be clearly identified.

“Bluefeathers? Blue feathers?!!! ”

Left Qingxian looked at the corpse that had been heavily smashed to the ground. He looked pale and instantly stood still!

Zuo Qingxian hurried up, lifted the body and carefully identified it!

It's really Left Green Wing!

His finger spyed in the nostrils of Qingyu, the next second, the whole person was stupid!


His second sister Qingyu left... was slapped to death by him!

No, no, it's not...

Zuo Qingxian carefully examined the wound of Zuo Qingyu. She was fatally injured in the blood hole in the back of her brain. She died from excessive blood loss.

Who is it?

“Who is it?! Who killed Aoyagi? ”

Zuo Qingxian hugged Zuo Qingyu and yelled loudly in the empty hall!

But to answer him, there was only a constant response.

At this moment, the Second Prince has come with the Third Princess in his arms.

When the second prince saw the left green feather on the ground, he frowned immediately: “What is this...? ”

At this moment, Zuo Qingxian was already full of tears. He raised his head and his eyes filled with anger and killing: “Someone killed Qingyu and someone killed my second sister! Damn!!! ”

The face of the Second Prince is also very ugly.

Because the three princesses are seriously injured at this moment lying in his arms.

“It must be the same person who killed Zuo Qingyu and injured Sanger.” After examining the wounds of two people, the Second Prince concluded with great certainty: “The man killed Zuo Qingyu first. This man was not weak, and one move killed Zuo Qingyu. ”