Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1938

The phoenix dance stares instantly at the Ink Ghost King!

She's betting on his fun hobby!

Around, a silence...

The wind stared nervously at the hand of King Ink Ghost, constantly worried that King Ink Ghost would pinch the phoenix dance.

And the phoenix is staring at the Ink Ghost!

Mockingjay, the ghost king's thin face, clouded like a tiger wolf, arrogant as a king!

Tighten his eyebrows!

Air, freeze for a while!

The heart of the phoenix dance picks it up!



Sudden laughter erupted in the mouth of the Sumo Ghost King!

“Hahahaha, hahahahaha, hahahahaha...” The Mockingjay Ghost laughed back and forth.

The phoenix dance, which had a tight heart, finally let go of half.

She's about right.

Sure enough...

His Majesty the Ghost, who had strangled her throat, lifted his hand and patted her slim, thin shoulder. “Little girl, I didn't think you had the talent to tell a story. It's good--”

“I was going to pinch you, you know why?” King Ink is staring at the phoenix.

Phoenix: "… because I know a fairy in white. ”

King Ink's ghost stared deeply at Phoenix again; “Yes, because you got her approval, this king naturally hates you! ”

Sumo's ghost face looked cold, powerful, not angry and arrogant, suddenly, shady and uncertain, he laughed again, tapping the slender arms of the phoenix dance!

“Hahaha, but you do have a little fun. No wonder she treats you differently. It's good. If you say so, the king thinks you can try it. ”

Originally killing strange eyes, the Sumo Ghost King watched the phoenix dance and said slowly: “This second level, the title is simple, from this million four-leaf flowers, find a three-leaf flower -”

The Ink Robe King of Ghosts pointed to the heart hanging under the tree that swelled to the size of a bowl: "Before it exploded. ”

“If you can find it, next level, the king will still tell you the subject.” Speaking, King Ghost of Ink Robes rubbed his daughter's head, rubbing her hair on top of the phoenix dancer's head hard, twirling, his figure disappeared.

Around… silence.

Nobody knows how things can change at such a peak loop.

“King Ink... just let go of the phoenix dance? ”

“King Ink... that's how you told Phoenix the subject? ”

“King Ink Ghost... rubbing her phoenix head when she left? ”


Phoenix, Phoenix and Yamo are lonely. These three people look at me. I look at you and can't speak at once.

The wind finally reacted and watched the phoenix fall from the air. He was excited to hold the hand of the phoenix: “Little dance, is King Ink Ghost helping us?! ”

Phoenix is not so optimistic.

She shook her head: "If I guess correctly, without a task prompt, this should be death level difficulty, and hell level difficulty, there should be a task prompt. ”

The wind opened its eyes, very angry: "You mean, before the Ink Ghost King pitted us? ”

Feng Dance stall: “Even if he really pits us, do you have a way? ”

Wind: “…”

Because this is King Ink's land, everything is in his hands, there is really no way.

“Fortunately, he now, at least from a neutral angle, gives us a chance to compete fairly.” The phoenix dance was serious.

Lonely Yamoh: "Where is it fair? We're still having a hell of a lot of difficulty, still less than half the time..."