Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2132: Passing on the White Jade Finger

Junwu Emperor: “If you hadn't hurt him so badly, he wouldn't have died, so whether or not you killed him, you should take this responsibility! ”

”" …… "

Why is the emperor so unreasonable? She hasn't blamed him for interrogating dead people yet.

Phoenix is not approaching King's Landing.

If it was King Lin Yuan, the door would fall directly and ignore him now, but the phoenix dance was after all a phoenix dance, so she looked at King Wu emperor helplessly: “What do you want? ”


Junwu Emperor looks at his own “Prince" with amazement!

If he didn't kill himself in the past, that's why he'd sue the bad guys first, but now he's so nice to talk to?

“You take care of this!” King Wu Di snorted coldly, "dare you assassinate me? Damn it! I command you, in ten days, to find the leader behind the scenes! Otherwise, you take your own sins! ”

After that, Junwu Emperor has to walk away from his sleeve.

Ten days? Are you kidding me?

“Xi-feng refused immediately. ”

But King Wu did not accept the option of not doing so. He didn't even look at the phoenix dance, and turned around and left quickly.

“Father. ”

At this moment, a figure walked quickly from the outside, and the person headed by him was the Second Prince.

The King Wu Emperor was supposed to leave quickly, but the Second Prince blocked him from leaving the road.

Not only did the second prince stand in front of him, but he knelt on one knee and hugged his fist: “Father, please give Son a chance! ”

King Wu Emperor's inner temper half-dead.

This stupid son, when is it bad to get out of the way, if this is the time to run out, does he even know that he will die as a father?!

The second prince did not know what King Wu's inner thoughts were at this moment. He shouted in his fist: “Father, find out the real murder of the assassination, ask Father to hand it over to Son Chen! ”

Someone else took it automatically? The phoenix dancer couldn't help but look at the second prince.

Junwu Emperor looked at his silly son without a word.

Isn't it silly here? If it weren't for the trouble, would you have come to King's Landing? If it's a simple thing to do, where is King's Landing Abyss?

Rape is the hardest thing to find.

So, King Wu stared at the second prince: “What are you talking about? ”

The second prince solemnly said: "Please ask the father to leave this matter to his son. He must do everything he can to find a way out and reassure the father. Son Sen must arrest the real killer within ten days! ”

The phoenix dance looked at the second prince with a very silent eye.

She's not sure. Where did the Second Prince come to be sure? Does he not know how difficult this is?

“Good -” the phoenix smiled lightly.

“No!” King Wu stared at the phoenix dance.

Honestly, though this rebel is often angry with him, the wrist is really nothing to say.

Although the second prince hung Xiaoshun in his mouth, he was indeed a great deal worse than King's Landing!

“Father -” the two princes longed to look at the King Wu Emperor.

Jun Wudi was impatient. He waved: “Both of you solve this case together, only to reach the Emperor. If you complete it in advance, you win, the winner...”

Junwu emperor plays with the white jade finger on his thumb, smiling and squinting: “So who will this pass on the white jade finger to! ”

The second prince's heart is pounding!

This is not an ordinary white jade wrench. This is a passing white jade wrench. If the person who inherited the throne did not wear this passing white jade wrench, then even if he succeeded, it would be a misnomer.