Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2155

The wind touched his chin. His Majesty sent a very diligent man today.

The Duke laughed: “His Majesty ordered His Royal Highness to quickly solve the case and capture everyone on the recovery plan list. ”

Feng Dance frowned: “What if I don't? ”

"His Majesty said," If His Majesty can accomplish this within a month, what His Majesty said before will surely be as you wish. ”

What did you say? What did King Lin Yuan and King Wu say before? But at this time, the phoenix dance is not easy to ask.

She made the slip: “I'm unavailable, and within a month... too little time. ”

Grandpa Gao smiled and handed a fine plaque of brown iron to Feng Dance: “Your Majesty said that you are now the executor of the Intelligence Department. When you return to Didu, the Intelligence Department is all yours to arrange. ”


Brighten your eyes when the wind stops!

The wind is desperate to dance to Phoenix. Promise! Promise!

Phoenix had no great idea of intelligence, but she looked to King's Landing Abyss.

It's up to King's Landing to decide.

King Lin Yuan turned to the phoenix dance.

Phoenix took over the Intelligence Department token and nodded to the High Duke: “I promised to do this, but the one-month period may not be so accurate. ”

"" Your Majesty is naturally relieved, "exclaimed Grandpa Gao. ”

After Grandpa Gao left, the wind rushed up on foot, grabbed the token from the phoenix dancer, and took it in his hand to play with it.

Phoenix glanced at him and said, "Is this thing worth your excitement? You are the little king of the Tangfangbei family. ”

The wind looked at the phoenix dance without any anger. “You don't get it. ”

"“ Hmm? ”

Feng asked: "Do you know the intelligence department? ”

Phoenix thought, "Intelligence under the Ministry of Military Affairs? ”

"What, that's the Military Intelligence Service, which collects military intelligence, and the chief of the Military Intelligence Service returns to the command of the military ministry. ”

"" What about the Intelligence Department? ”

Proud of the wind: “The intelligence department is not the same, it is above the military intelligence service and is responsible only to the emperor, that is, only to the emperor's intelligence agency! ”

“As for the Military Intelligence Service, it is only one of its branches, and he can call the information of the Military Intelligence Service whenever he wants it, as well as whoever wants it. ”

“The Military Intelligence Service, which is solely responsible for military intelligence, is primarily responsible for detecting relevant military intelligence in various countries, including the deployment of their armies, military attitudes towards our monarchy, etc. ”

“But the Intelligence Department is not only headed by the Military Intelligence Service, but also by a spy agency. The so-called spies, anti-espionage work within the scope of the Empire, surveillance of suspected elements of the Kingwu Empire in various countries, suppression of foreign intelligence networks in the Kingwu Empire, capture of spies and our traitors. ”

“At the same time...” the wind glanced at the phoenix dance, “the intelligence department also has an inspector to oversee the rule, prevent officials from corrupting and so on... hey, monarch, do you despise me too much with such simple common sense? ”

Right. Feng Dance slapped her head, she almost forgot she was King's Landing Yuan... How could King's Landing Yuan ask such a junior question?

Phoenix coughed softly: “For now, you're through. ”

The wind hey two times, very proud, suddenly, he frowned: “Master Jun, now everyone is dead, the clues are broken, what shall we do? ”