Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2174

“I'll just give you an analysis of the relationship, and you're angry? King Linyuan, how could I not see that? Why are you so mean? ”

His Royal Highness had a dark face and stood up to leave.

That's not gonna work!

But the phoenix dance felt that she was holding on to King's Landing every day, just like she was begging him... this was too much for her dignity.

So this time the phoenix dance simply stopped, King Linyuan walked in front, she followed him like a little tail.

Anyway, no more than ten steps will be fine.

King Linyuan's gambling anger walked in front of him, Su Lu slipped his hands into his pocket and slowly followed him...

However, this is not the case in the eyes of King's Landing.

He was so angry that he couldn't help pulling this girl over to spank.

But when he came out for a walk and was blown by the wind, his brain woke up a little clearer, and then he turned around... and a little tail followed him.

He walked fast, his little tail running his ass off.

He walked slowly and his little tail slowly followed.

Not many, just ten steps away.

Is this girl worried she won't be able to escape in anger?

With this in mind, His Majesty's discomfort is almost gone.

He deliberately slowed down and waited for her.

Sure enough...

This little girl is running up her ass. If she has a tail, she can't help shaking it twice.


As soon as King Linyuan stopped, the phoenix danced and ran up his ass. He came to King Linyuan and smiled directly at him.

King Linyuan wanted to pinch the little face of the phoenix dance, but he only found it when he reached out...

That's my face.

Cute face with his own face...

Ask His Royal Highness Awesome Cold about the area of psychological shadow.

You need to change your body back sooner, and King Lin Yuan is in the dark.

Go south all the way.

On this journey, it was as quiet as if weakness had never occurred before King's Landing.

But Phoenix knew that it was just calm before the storm hit.

But for Phoenix, the most important thing now is not to track down the spy, but... a traveler is finally coming to Emperor.

And Quest 9 of Phoenix, finally, the time is almost up.

The excited heart of the phoenix dance is about to burst out of its voice.

However, King Linyuan did not know the thoughts inside the phoenix dance. If he did, he would have the heart to shoot the dead phoenix dance.

“They're almost there. Why haven't they acted yet?” Feng Dance's hands held his chin, his mouth pounding, his eyes instantly staring at King's Landing.

“Today we have entered the province of Beijing and Yanghang.” King's Landing Lane, “Jingyang Xingxiang Province is the site of the left family. You have to be careful what you do next. ”

“Left house?” The phoenix dance is confusing. "Isn't the Left family in Didu? ”

King Linyuan shook his head: “In addition to the imperial capital, there are 13 provinces, which are controlled secretly by the Nine Kings and the Four Majorities, respectively, while the Left Family sits in Jingyang Province of Zhenjing. ”

Feng Dance: “How could the Left family be so powerful? ”

King Linyuan nodded: “The Left family you see in the Emperor is just the left family on the bright side. In fact, the real Left family is deep, not as you can imagine. ”

“Of course, the province is clearly under the control of the Empire, except that the world's family has a large population, marital relations are widespread and accumulated for hundreds of years. If there is a heart, it is not impossible for marital kinship forces to spread throughout the province. And the Left family, that's the one with the heart. ”

”" The other twelve provinces, "asked Xi-feng.