Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2208: The Great Phoenix Dance

And when the hearts of men differ, behold!

It was like a hedgehog “phoenix dance", and she suddenly made a “buzz-” sound.

This sound……

The cultivators are no better acquainted!

That's the sound of promotion.

This is not right!

Everyone in the room almost jumped when they heard it!

You know, that was a five-star arrow from the Horizon. How powerful was that?

Phoenix dance is only the seven stars of the spiritual realm. Compared to each other, the strength difference is too far away...

So with all the arrows, what choice does she have but to die?



Everyone suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Because of the hedge-like "phoenix dance”, not only did she make a promotion sound, but the spiritual energy around her poured towards her...

“So, is it really not the five star promotion of Linghou Realm, but the promotion of Phoenix Dance?” Prince Mu muttered to himself.

The phoenix dance did move.

She slowly let go of her body, her feet beneficial to the ground, and the arrows that had been shot at her, dangling, all fell to the ground.

Her arms stretched out, her hands opened and her eyes closed, seemingly absorbing the forces of heaven and earth.

The lonely adult showed regret on his face.

“Phoenix... not dead?” Princess Min Lan saw the phoenix dance like this, her smile was stiff in the corner of her mouth, and she didn't know what expression to make.

She's not the only one laughing. The lonely queen can't laugh anymore.

The lonely adult felt sorry for himself, but he did not show any emotion.

He said: "This phoenix dancer is really lucky. When she was shot by the five stars of Linghou Realm, she happened to be in a state of promotion. Her body was protected by the forces of heaven and earth, so she took the seven stars of Linghou Realm as her body to bear...”

Suddenly, the lonely adult couldn't speak.


He saw the intensity of the phoenix absorption...

“Is she, is she really a seven-star soul?” The loneliness of the queen has changed somewhat, and she asks with confusion.

A lot of people here come from Spiritual Seven Stars, so they can't be more familiar with the intensity of Spiritual Seven Stars.

For example, Lord Lonely, he can see the five stars across from the phoenix dance. Why can't he see the phoenix dance?

Just because I saw it clearly, the lonely adult disbelieved!

“This, this… this is impossible!” The lonely man rubs his own eyes!

In his old position, he rubs his eyes? See how shocked he is by what's happening!

“Father?” The lonely queen was not strong, so she couldn't understand.

But there's a lot of people here who can read and understand.

“Horizon? Since when does this girl of Phoenix dance live? Isn't she a spiritual realm?” King Wu's emperor looked at his ministers with confusion.

His Majesty Mu and His Loneliness looked at each other and nodded with great certainty: “Yesterday when I saw Miss Feng Dance, she was indeed the seven stars of the Spiritual Realm. ”

Junwu Emperor: “But now she has four stars in the Land of the Spirit... No, this promotion makes her five stars in the Land of the Spirit! ”

You know, the Horizon is already very rare for the whole Empire!

If you are lucky enough to be promoted to the peak of the Land of the Spiritual Horse, you can really get a Marquis without power. Of course, you are not the kind of Marquis who really takes power.

Seven stars of the Spirit... Five stars of the Land of the Spirit...

The span in the middle... the span in the middle... is different!