Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2248

“So you know me...” Phoenix coughed softly, “about the promotion? ”

Speaking of this, the Queen Fengbei was so excited that she held Phoenix's hand tightly: “My dancer, how can you be so good? How could you be so good? When you climbed the mountain, you were seven stars, and then you were seven stars in the Land of the Spirit! You're... you're the opposite! ”

Princess Ming Lan held her fist tight, she refused to listen, why did you do this to her!

I couldn't believe the wind staring at my mother: "What, what the hell? The dance is already seven stars? ”

Princess Fengbei: “Yes, all of us saw it. At that time, the lonely lord was present, His Majesty was present, the old Buddha was present, the queen was present, the Ming Princess was present, and Lord Feng came...”

“Isn't Lord Left inseparable from the lonely man? Isn't Lord Left absent?” Phoenix was actually staring at Princess Mindanao when she said that.

However, Phoenix found that when she mentioned Lord Zuo, there was no abnormal emotion in Princess Min Lan's face, that is, it was not Lord Zuo who joined forces with Princess Min Lan.

So there's only one answer left...

At that time, two enemies, one wave of the Dongsan people and the other wave of the left family strong, after excluding the left family strong, then the only answer is the rest.

Why would Phoenix suspect Princess Min Lan, because she had doubts about what Princess Min Lan had done before.

Secondly, would Princess Mindanao be so kind as to position herself so that everyone could see her highlights and glow?

The reason she's positioning herself is probably because she thinks she's going to be killed, and she wants everyone to see her killed, which is what she really wants.

Otherwise, she'll throw up blood. Locate it live?

To think of it, Phoenix smiled and looked at Princess Ming Lan: “By the way, I really want to thank Lady Ming. If it weren't for her spitting blood on the live broadcast, no one would know that I had been promoted to the Seven Stars of the Land of the Spirit. ”

Princess Mindanao bites her teeth! Damn it!

The wind is also immersed in an exciting atmosphere.

“The dance is seven stars away? Dance, are you already seven stars? Dance you... you're going to beat my rhythm! I'm your brother. If I'm weaker than my sister, what can I do to protect you? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The complexion is also unpredictable.

Don't say the wind is irritated, it is him, he is also irritated by phoenix dance can not do.

His strength is better than the wind, but it's not too far apart...

“Mother, I'm going north, I'm going to the battlefield to experience life and death!” The wind shouted loudly at the queen of the north wind.

“Boom!” Princess Fengbei slapped him in the head, “I'm your only son, your father is brave enough to kill the enemy on the front line, be honest! ”

Under his long, windy eyelashes, his watery eyes rolled around, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The Princess of Mindanao was happy to come and disappoint when the Princess of Fengbei crossed the bar.

A dark night in Princess Mindanao's tent.

Junwu Emperor is discussing a hoe mission with the president of his intelligence department, and at this moment, a shadow of black robes suddenly appears in Princess Ming Lan's tent!

Princess Mindanao was sitting in front of the dresser, holding an ivory comb, and the black robe arrived as she cleaned her hair by an inch.