Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2442: Disregard My Family's Little Dance, Scum!

Mrs. Zuo: “Oops, I don't think so. He doesn't know me very well. How can he work so hard for her? No, it really isn't...”

Mrs. Tao was extremely mad, but she pretended to congratulate her and said something nice.

How can the other ladies avoid such a situation?

Jealousy is human nature.

The left-handed green beard itself is remarkable, and now so spoiled by His Majesty... Is there any reason in the world?!

Tao Qingqing was also jealous, and she whispered, "How can you say His Highness is celebrating the birthday of the Left Virgin? Maybe it's for Phoenix?

Mrs. Tao hit Tao Qingqing with her elbow. Her eyes were dangerously squeezed and her warning eyes stared at her!

The Left Family was originally ranked first among the Nine Great Families, and now His Royal Highness supports them... How frightening will the future be? How dare you offend Left Green?!

At this moment, the fireworks in the sky bloom!

The emperor has four gates to the southeast and northwest, and the magnificent fireworks bloom in the glorious night sky, distinguished by four words: happiness and happiness.

Hmm? These four words...

The lonely lady pointed to the fireworks in the middle of the sky and said to Lady Left: "Look, the fireworks have been blooming in four words for a long time. Happy and happy, aren't those four words just to celebrate your birthday? ”

Mrs. Zuo is still humbly saying, “Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. ”

The lonely lady smiled: "Now only the North Gate and the West Gate are lit with fireworks. When the South Gate and the East Gate are lit up, guess what? ”

“I suppose… is it the birthday of Qingyu?” I don't know who took the sentence.

This time it was too big, it was a national red envelope, fireworks, and a leftist banquet, so the whole emperor was in a state of carnival.

As Emperor of the Empire, how could King Wu not know?

Junwu Emperor stands on the extraction floor at this moment, overlooking the panoramic view of the Emperor.

The High Duke sees Junwu Emperor standing in the wind, looking at the West Gate and North City, touching his chin and contemplating...

Duke Gao dared not interrupt, he took a thick cape from the building and put it on Junwu Emperor.

King Wudi looked at the four words that sparkled in the middle of the sky and glanced at Grandpa Gao: “Heard that the Left Family is having a feast? Wen Wu Baiguan's family, the Nine Kingdoms, the Four Powers, all of them gone? ”

The Duke nodded.

King Wu Di sneered: “What a big row! ”

The high prince drowned his head low and did not make a sound.

“I heard that the son of a bitch from King's Landing prepared a national red envelope for the Lady of the Left?” Junwu's eyebrows were tight.

Duke Gao: “According to outside rumors, it seems...”

“When the little dancing girl had her birthday, she didn't see him so wasted. By the way, when was the little dancing girl's birthday? ”

Gao Dung glanced at the King Wu Emperor in the dark.

"Yes, New Year's Eve! It's our little dancer's birthday on New Year's Eve! When her mother gave birth to her, it was almost difficult to give birth, or did I send the royal doctor? ”

“Is this crazy, King's Landing?!” The more angry King Wu tried, the more angry he was. “He was so nice to the little dancer. Now that the girl from the left family is back, he turned around and spoiled the girl from the left family. He ignored my little dancer, scum! ”

PS: Four chapters are even more complete, it feels more and more lively ~ ~ I didn't want to ask for a monthly ticket for fear of being beaten, but the tighter the chase behind me, let's pull a voice ~ cover the pan and run ~