Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2528: Honorable and Precious Attitudes

The students of Class B are so excited right now!

Dean Qing is here!

Since she doesn't choose Class A, she must have chosen them Class B.

They actually had a chance to get close contact with His Highness.

Class B students are all excited, one straight back, mentally adjusted to the best, and my hopes and hopes of choosing me are revealed in my eyes!

But what never occurred to them was...

Left Qing Qing actually crossed the B class directly.

Over, over, over, over...

The students of Class A and Class B have all fallen...

If you don't choose Class A or Class B, is Dean Qingyun going to choose Class C?

But just when everyone picked it like this, Left Green crossed from Class C again!

Ding Ban's students are thrilled!

My God, my land! My mother...

Is the number of students in the family going down to their Ding Ban?!

Wang Wenjun and Ding Yi of Ding Ban were excited to hold their fists and look at each other. Do they have such an honor? What an exciting moment to faint!

E Ban.

Yuan: “Sir, here comes Dean Qingyan to Ding Pan! ”

Sun Jingyu shook his head: “Then she must have chosen someone in Ding Ban. We still don't have a chance. ”

Yuan Qian: “No, she didn't stop! She's still walking forward, she can't look forward, it looks like she's coming to us! ”

Sun Jingyu still said no on the surface, impossible, but her heart was already excited to press!


Zuo Qingqing walked out of Ting Ban range and came towards E Ban!

There's only E!

Because there are no more classes behind E!

Oh, my God!

My land!

Is Dean Qing really going to choose her biological student in E Ban?!

Who would you choose?

Who would be that fish leaping through the dragon gate?!

Who would be the luckiest person?!

You know, those who can get into the War Academy are the best of the younger generation, but!

Left Green is the best of the best, the most talented girl in the empire! Your Highness's fiancée! Such an identity is horrible!

His Royal Highness's fiancée didn't know who had started it. The news spread too quickly. Almost all the students present instantly knew and were convinced.

Imagine, besides Left Green, is there any other girl in the Empire who deserves the princess's place next to His Highness? Who else?

“Sergeant! She's coming our way!” Yuan Yue is so excited!

Yuan Zhengyu is a boy, Sun Jingyu also has a girl to follow, called Mu Zhengyu.

Mu Jingyu's excitement fainted and she grabbed Sun Jingyu's hand: “Sergeant! It's you, it's you! ”

Sun Jingyu's mouth humbled: “No, no, how could it... It's not me, how can it not be my turn? ”

"No, no, no, no, no, no, you're the best, you're the most talented, you're the prettiest, you're the one the mentor loves the most, you're the one with the highest points... you're absolutely you anyway! ”

Sun Jingyu, although modest in his mouth, felt the same thoughts as Mu Jingyu.

Can this spot not be hers?

Isn't there anyone better than her?

But Left Qing Qing, the body of the immortal jade bone, definitely stood in front of the phoenix dance.

She stared at the phoenix dance, her eyebrows were cold and snowy, and her eyes were high, but her pride was lowered:

PS: I feel like I'm gonna get beat up stopping here ~ ~ Continue humming in the code words ~