Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2737 Chu Tian Laugh!

As soon as the numbers were counted, they immediately realized something was wrong!

“Teacher Yang, how many of you in Class B are missing?!” Uncle Liam's Vice Dean stared at Teacher Yang.

Instructor Yang is smoking at the moment.

“There were a lot of people back, but there were still a few people out there, and Shizuku Phi didn't come back! ”

Mentor Yang said that the faces of the others around him were not very good.

The hospital is holding a high-level meeting at this time.

Only two vice deans, as well as instructor vice mentors from Class A and Class B, attended, numbering more than ten.

“Silent Fay is the best student in Class B, and this time the seed squad vice squad seat is tailored for her. ”

The mentor of the First Class did not hide from the truth.

Nobody spoke for a while.

“Dean Left Green, what do you think?” Everyone stared at Left Green.

Since becoming vice president, Zuo Qingxian has not done anything to convince everyone.

At first, you look at the background behind Left Green, and you press down on your grievances, but over time, this emotion accumulates.

Left green eyebrows slightly picked up: “Why did this happen? Why would a mysterious mine appear? ”

Uncle Pastoral Vice Dean nodded: “There have been elders to investigate, that is the result of the battle of the super powerful, the whole little thousand nights forest was split in half from head to tail, forming a great canyon, falling into the underground secret spiritual mine will appear. ”

“Super strong, how strong is super strong?” Left Green asked again.

Uncle Liam's Vice Dean smiled bitterly: "The so-called super strong man, the old man too...”

At this time, the vice dean of uncle Liam suddenly moved and the whole person sat up.

He stood up suddenly and listened respectfully.

Everyone looked at the vice dean of uncle and herd with a strange eye.

What about him, him, him?

What's a soul look like?

Instead, it's Left Green. She's in shock!

If I remember correctly, the Master has sent a message to himself several times in this way... is it uncle Muhammad Vice Dean him?

“Yes, Dean! ”

This Grandpa Baihu's uncle, Vice Dean Liam, had an incredibly respectful tone of voice. In the end, he slowly returned to God and looked at everyone.

“The truth is clear.” Uncle Pastoral Vice Dean's face became incredibly serious: “Little Thousand Nights Forest Grand Canyon, indeed, is the result of the battle between the two superpowers. ”

“Which two superpowers?!” Left Green Curiosity.

Is it her master's level?

Uncle Pastor said three words: “Chu, Tian, Laugh. ”


When you hear these three words, almost everyone jumps at the venue!

“Chu Tian smile? How could it be him? Didn't he already die? ”

“The First Sword Under Heaven... Chu Tian Laugh?! ”

“Chu Tian chu, the disciple of the gods of Makima Kyushu, who once ruled the mainland?! ”

“Oh, my God!” Master Yang almost passed out, "isn't he an angelic figure? Will it be all of us? ”

Everyone remembers that this is a legendary figure who lives far away!

He... he's alive?!

How old is he?

Left Green's face has changed!

Chu Tian laughs...

The teacher who once denounced his master's extinction of humanity in front of all mankind and trained him to be silent... this... this... this horrible figure who humiliated Biyun Palace, how did he show up?!