Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2810 Come Out 2

Just as Mentor Wang was going to continue, suddenly a figure flew out of it.

When you see this figure clearly, you get excited.

“Left green! ”

“Vice Dean Left! ”

Uncle and Vice Dean, they all rushed up and surrounded the Left Green League. The look on everyone's face was extremely exciting and joyful!

Left green at the moment, it doesn't look good.

I saw her all dirty, with blood on her face, and she looked very luscious.

Uncle Vice Dean asked, “What's going on in there? Where are the others?! ”

Everybody stare at Left Green!

Left Qing Qing struggled to stand up, his face was stiff, and he took a deep breath: “They... they..."

“What happened to them?!” Everybody's in a hurry!

Tell me!

Zuo Qingxiang: “It's all Phoenix! If she hadn't listened to Mei Lao, she wouldn't have started this riot! ”

Mentor Wang: “What?! Was this riot caused by Phoenix?! I told you before, this phoenix is not a good thing! Prove it now! ”

Uncle and Vice Dean frowned and stared at Left Green: “Where are the others? ”

Zuo Qingqing bit his teeth: “Mae Lao they... they were all taken away by the phoenix dance, I can't stop them, I can't say how they won't listen, if they have to follow the phoenix dance, now they are all buried, they... sacrificed! ”

Zuo Qingxiang now feels that they are all buried in the phoenix dance, anyway, she is a big living person, naturally make up whatever she wants.

Uncle, Vice Dean just feels numb in the scalp!

Buried them all?

The phoenix dance is buried too?

Uncle and Vice Dean are shaking and kneeling!

“Uncle Vice Dean?! ”

Everyone is helping Uncle and Vice Dean.

It was a big blow, but Left Green came out, and the other losses, they actually paid for the Imperial College.

Instructor Wang: “At least His Royal Highness's side... will not be pursued dead...”

Instructor Wang looked at Zhuo Qingxian with a happy eye: “Fortunately, you came out alive, otherwise our Imperial College is really going to be finished. ”

Left Qingqing smiled darkly in his heart. Once Phoenix danced, she was the only one in the Empire of Kingwu!

Her Royal Highness will only choose her!

As soon as I think about it, I will be with His Royal Highness, giving birth to his children, becoming queen, mother-in-law...

As long as you think about it, the left-handed greens boil!

But the uncle and vice president screamed: “Your Highness will not let us go... Your Highness will never let us go! ”

Everyone looked at uncle and vice president with strange eyes.

How can His Majesty still blame Left Green for coming out alive?

At this moment, Left Green's gaze lightning on Uncle Vice Dean!

Did he know anything?

“Phoenix... really buried? Is she really dead?” Uncle and Vice Dean did not die, his eyes staring at Left Green.

Left Green resented and looked cold: “Yes, she is dead, I saw her buried! ”

“And Mae Lao! Old Mae, they're trying to save her...”

“You watched Mae Lao get buried?” Teacher Yang stared at Left Green.

Zuo Qingxiang thought that those people died inside anyway, there was no proof of death, so she could throw dirty water on the phoenix dance body, she would never be soft hands.

“Yes!” A harsh colour appeared in his left green eye!