Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3166: The Presence of Tens of Thousands of Favors 7

Yan Cold walked up and saw Colonel Yang and Xiaofeng dancing like fathers and daughters. Her heart was burning with jealousy.

But on the face of it, she pretended to be very intimate.

“Lord Yang.” Cover your lips with a smile, "how can you be together? ”

If you ask, Colonel Yang has a problem.

I'm taking Xiaofeng to dinner. Is this all your business?

Colonel Yang was a straight male uncle who wouldn't hide his inner thoughts, so he glanced at the cold, and, um, took Phoenix in.

He should talk to this little girl. Such a beautiful little girl blows around all day, it's impossible to see.

But Yan Cold is such a good sender?

When she saw Colonel Yang, she was saddened to see her walk away.


She's the most adorable little princess in the colony.

She's the little girl everyone in the Colonel's campus is fooling.

She is the one... who gathers all kinds of pets.

But since the phoenix dance, Feng Xuanyi hasn't come back yet without mentioning them yet. The rest of them, whether they be Colonel Yang or Wang Zhaole, are bad for her...

Even Han Lu and Elegant lying in bed, when they saw her, their faces revealed unhappy divinity.

This is frustrating.

She glanced at Colonel Yang: “Sir Yang, did I do something wrong? So this is what you're all going to do... to me? ”

Colonel Yang turned his head and looked at his face with confusion: "Huh?” What happened?

Yan Cold: “You... don't even like me anymore... woo..."

Colonel Yang had a dark face. He was really not good at fooling little girls.

The face is tall and not skinny, it looks a little strong...

On the other hand, Xiaofeng dance is the real little girl, but Xiaofeng dance is rough and meaty, she was slapped into the Spirit River by Elder Hulian, she hummed herself and climbed up, she didn't see crying, how can she look cold...

Colonel Yang looked at the phoenix dance with some anguish and said that she could not help.

Yan Cold cried for a while, sobbing and crying, swallowing and guaranteeing: “I, I will, will, will do better Yanbao, Colonel Yang, you, you, like me, okay? ”

Colonel Yang had a headache.

What do you like or dislike? This is a war zone! Cultivate well. How many battles isn't good?

Colonel Yang frowned and Yan Cold quickly changed the subject: “... When I came out of the Colonel's campus, Wang Zhaole said Ling Yuanjing was not enough, Colonel Yang, what is going on? Didn't we split a thousand pieces down for everyone's practice? ”

Yan Cold knew because she had a grandfather who was an elder.

She can tell by asking about it in this relationship.

Mention this…

Colonel Yang couldn't help but glance at the phoenix dance.

“Enough? ”

Phoenix danced and touched her stomach: “It's full for now. ”

God knows how much she drank.

And she filled the space a lot.

Phoenix has two spoils and a plant.

I don't know what they'll draw in three lottery draws, so I'm looking forward to it.

But now that there are outsiders, it's not good for Phoenix to go in and check it out.

Yan Ling looked at the two in front of him somehow. What's so full? What are they talking about?

She has the feeling of being excluded.

Yan Cold looked at Feng Dance and said, “I hear that Ling Yuanjing, our colonel campus, has been consumed by Feng Dance girl, right? ”