Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3210: Little Daughter2

But how long can phoenix last?

Nobody knows.

So the people on the side of the empire, although ostensibly cheering, can actually...

There's a heart in it.

Soon, the phoenix dance went up against Brazil.

Poor Brazilian... again by the phoenix.

Brazil "…”

Below: “…”

Brazil then became Panama.

Everyone thought Phoenix had won three consecutive rounds. This round, Banan must have knocked her down?

In fact...

“What?! ”

“Oh, my God! ”

“Can you still eat phoenix?! ”

“She has eaten three giant deer elephants, two tiger leopards, two golden blood cows... she can still eat?! ”

“Where's the food she ate? ”

Everyone was shocked by the big stomach king of phoenix.

If you want to say she ate it, spit it out, but you didn't see her leave the spot.

“There's only one person left! ”

“There is only one last person left on both sides, and winning or losing...”

If, on the side of the Empire of Junwu before, we felt that we must lose, but with the phoenix dance, the hope of the bear burned inside!

What if... you win?

But when Patong came forward, everyone said: "…”

Patong was one of the most successful giant blood mutations, so he grew to three meters long!

One meter wide!

That big piece of meat, sit over there!

If it weren't for the bench made of special materials, it would have been sitting on wood chips a long time ago.

Patong's face was full of flesh, and the phoenix dance stood in front of him like a little man.

He stared at the phoenix and laughed. “You're good, little girl. ”

Phoenix glanced at him and did not speak.

Patong: “How about a bet? ”

Phoenix still stared at him and didn't speak.

Patong: “If I win, why don't you come back with me to Dongsan and be our five-daughter-in-law? ”

I !!!

It's humiliating!

The people of Dongsan all laughed.

The people of the Junwu Empire are angry to kill!

The wind jumped like a little lion.

Xuanyi is already grinding her sword.

Phoenix's cold eyes floated and she stared at Patong: "The villain died of much talk, didn't you know? ”

She looked into Patong's eyes and was already looking at a body.

Patong: “Ha-ha-ha, you mean I'm gonna die? ”

Patong: “Really, think about it? If you win, all five of us will be your most loyal servants, okay? ”

He also blinked at the phoenix.

"" …… "

Patong: “We're strong, Eight Stars of the Kingdoms. Oh, really don't think about it? ”

"“ It's not that you can't think about it. ”

Patong: “You said yes? ”

"Why not?" she smiled. ”

The phoenix dance promised, the wind suddenly exploded!

“Phoenix! Promise me a ghost! Do you want to die?” The wind pointed to Xiaofeng and danced like thunder.

Phoenix smiled lightly and waved at the wind: “I can't lose. ”

The wind does not believe!

You've already had four pairs. One man eats four giants. It's the end of a crossbow. What else can you do? What if it really loses?

Once the people of the Junwu Empire have made a pact with the people of the Dongsan Empire, there is no way to break the pact, it must be fulfilled!

The phoenix dance did not reply to the wind, but stared at Patong.

She saw an unusual aura from these five brothers.

How come all five of these people suddenly have bloodline mutations? What's hidden in this?