Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3305 Flight Warfare Machinery Manufacturing Plant 2

If you can get a good idea of what's going on in there and plot it... you'll be able to sleep on the credit book for the rest of your life when you get back.

Thinking about it, old Meng and old chasing together said hello to Phoenix.

They have now believed that Phoenix is the second prince's man, who is sent to protect them and help them.

The captain was so nice to them!

But after all, there is a little doubt in my mind.

This suspicion finally disappeared after Phoenix quickly broke the gate and introduced them into the complex.

“Coming in, we're coming in! ”

The two men were excited and broken.

They quickly searched for a hidden location to prevent being seen.

The old chase was to open the parchment paper from his arms, jean and heavy.

Phoenix dance at a glance.

This is a map.

It's a simple diagram, a simple depiction of some of the places above.

It's really easy.

Because it's only marked, inscribed, mechanical, assembly, and inventory.

The rest of the place is not marked.

And in front of this large complex, at least a million square meters, it's very difficult to come and go.

“We split up.” The phoenix dance said to both of them: “Be careful, when you finish your goal, go back! ”

“What about you?” Ask Phoenix all the time.

"'I've got other things to do,' said Xi-feng. ”

After that, the phoenix dance ran away.

Why would she stand up and “make out” with these two people? This is an important part of the Phoenix follow-up plan.

Poor two people did not know that they thought that Phoenix really belonged to the Second Prince, but that Phoenix had many other tasks.

“Forgot to ask what his name was.” I'm sorry to keep chasing you.

Old Meng: “In our line of work, where's the real name? Most are code-names. All right, we'll find out when we get back to the captain. Now let's get to work. ”

The main thing they came in this time was to make headlines, listen to more news, make maps, and hand these things over.

Prince Er will naturally send some very powerful people to work here.

Both the old Meng and the old chasing legs thought that the Second Prince was going to destroy the underground flying warfare mechanism factory and then blame the Prince, thus discrediting His Majesty's trust in the Prince.

“At this time, we and the people of the Junwu Empire have a common interest.” The old chasing elder sighed.

Old Meng stared at him: "Don't talk nonsense! The Second Prince will never cooperate with the people of the King Wu Empire! Otherwise, kill without forgiveness! ”

And the phoenix of the moment ——

She's rushing to the inscription area at the fastest possible speed!

Inscription propeller!

The Phoenix have not forgotten how sour their monster costumes are.

Can't even make an inscription propeller!

She copied each other easily, and when she found out half the time, someone messed up, so the inscription propeller was gone again... the phoenix dance was blind too.

We really need to let her sink in and study it, maybe for a while.


If Dongsang is a ready-made country, her time is so precious, why spend it studying this?

So, the phoenix dance went straight to the inscription area.

She's gonna steal the inscription code!

In the night, the phoenix dance was fast, as if a meteor had crossed in the middle of the sky. When I looked closely, I thought I was blinded again.

Less than a few breathing moments, the phoenix dance came to the inscription drawing area.

However, before she could go in, she heard two people squatting not far away.

The two had filtered cigarette butts in their mouths, swallowing clouds and spraying mist and chatting.

Phoenix didn't care, but the first thing they said, they settled in Phoenix Town!