Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3334: The Pit of Cold Prince 4

“'Master, the prince is badly wounded,' said Phoenix to the wooden blue god of medicine. 'The apprentice went back to fetch the medicine bag. ”

Doctor Mulan felt nothing, waved quickly: "Go, go! ”

When Phoenix danced out, she could still feel the angry gaze of the frozen serpent staring at her!

Fengdang leaves with his back in his bow.

After the phoenix dance leaves the courtyard, rush straight out!

The gate!

She had to rush out of the city gate before Mr. Left Hill could react.

Otherwise, if she is locked in, she really should not call every day unwieldy.

“Dr. Mask, where are you going?” A voice rang behind the phoenix.

The phoenix dance saw five people in a row.

It's those five brothers.

Special blood!

Seeing these five brothers, the phoenix dance suddenly sounded something special about blood.

The five brothers had fought with her before, and she fell asleep, and of course, she was now playing the face, so they couldn't recognize her.

The heart of the phoenix dance is broken.

Special blood...

At this time, if she had time, she would definitely go to Dr. Mulan's pharmacist to steal some special blood for research, but... the time was too urgent.

Nobody knows when Mr. Zuoqiu will react.

And no one knows if a cold-night lord will speak suddenly.

So Phoenix decided not to be greedy.

“Bob, your ride I requisitioned.” Phoenix spoke directly to one of the five brothers.

Bob rides a Sharma with a shoulder height of 195 and a weight of 1,200 kg, so he can hold up Bob.

All five brothers ride Sharma.

For Phoenix, this Sharma is like an elephant.

If you can, Phoenix will not choose Sharma because Sharma is a cold-blooded horse.

Cold-blooded horses, however, are characterized by their large size, quiet and steady nature, and are commonly used for labor, like cows.

But there's no choice now.

Before Bob could react, the Sharma beneath him had been recruited by Phoenix.


Phoenix rides the Sharma and rushes to the gates!

Bob, look at me. Look at you. They're all confused. What's wrong with Dr. Mascari? It's like someone's after her.

Besides, does she even look at Sharma as a rider? That's weird.

Phoenix dance doesn't matter how strange people think she is, however far she runs, it's best to run back to the castle in one breath.

Soon, the phoenix dance came to the gates of the city...

And at this time, the mansion, in the main courtyard.

Cold night lord...

This prince is a little miserable.

He blew up King's Landing before and is now being revenged by the Phoenix Dance.

But when I saw him at this moment, his whole body was coke black, his hair was burned the worst, almost all burned out, even if Mr. Zuoqiu was quick to save, he was still smoking at this moment.

But the Cold Nightingale is the body of the Holy Land, so the inscription bomb can only blow up his epidermis, not his gut.

But with that breath, how could a cold nightingale swallow it?

“Mu... mu...” Cold Nightingale is not very moveable yet, but he has risked his life to say the name of this thief!

Dr. Mu Lanshen sat in front of the cold nightingale bed and looked at him with concern: “Don't worry, your face has already gone to get the pills, and will be back soon. Don't worry, your wounds are all minor...”

Dr. Mulan thinks the Cold Night Warrior is shouting at himself.

But the cold nightingale was still moving his lips: “Mmm... mmm...”