Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3368: The Fiancee Matter 2

But at this moment, Simple Fei is like a calf, very stubborn, just don't go!

“If you don't go, I'll go!” Where can I stay, I turn around and want to leave.

But the wind and Xuanyi blocked her from going.

The wind smiled and looked at Left Qing Qing: “I've always wondered about this, so now, Miss Left, don't go yet. We can explain this very well, lest the time comes when our monarch will know to be angry. His anger is not easily tolerated by anyone. ”

Reddish-white on the left blueface.

Simply Phi is interested: "That is, if you have something to say, say it clearly! ”

Feng: “Well, okay. ”

Then, the distinct black and white eyes and Xuanyi looked at the wind: “When did we make an engagement with the Left Family? ”

He shook his head with a sword in his hands: "No. ”

Xin Jingfei: “Why not? I heard Sister Qing say..."

“Hmm?” The wind seemed puzzled.

Silent Fei turned around, those distinct black and white eyes looked at Left Green, very innocent, very confused: “Sister Green, didn't you say His Royal Highness has made love to you? ”

Left flank of blood is stuffy in my heart!

The wind and Xuanyi also looked at Left Green, very innocent and very suspicious.

Surrounded by the three sides, Left Green's face rose red, she bit her teeth in the dark, staring dead at Sing-Fi: “Are you making enough noise?! ”

Finished, she pushed away Shizuku Fei and ran out.

The wind still screams in the back: "Hey, what are you running for? I haven't finished yet. Since when did my boss arrange a date with you? That's strange. Where did the rumors come from? Who's so short of virtue? ”

When the wind shouted, the left green head didn't run back fast.

Simply Faye on one side: "…”

When the wind turned around and saw that Sing-Fi was still there, he asked her: "Where did the rumors come from? If I know who made the rumor, look, I can't cut her! ”

Simply Faye was about to say Left Green, but then she thought that Left Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green

She did not deny it when she asked whether she was the fiancée of His Majesty.

So at that time, Qingfei thought, of course, that Zuo Qingxiang was the fiancée of His Majesty, so he had always felt comfortable as a small follower to her, so that Zuo Qingxiang would carry her with him in the future, so that she could also cough with His Majesty... cough.

“She said it!” Silent Fei is not a good person, since Left Green left, automatically renouncing the right to speak, then she is not welcome.

“Left Green said herself that she was the fiancée of His Majesty, otherwise how would I know?” Silent Fei snorted, worried about the wind pulling her to testify, and the next second, she snuck away.

Don't you dare go looking for Left Green? Now Left Green is angry, it's possible to kill her.

And at this moment Left Green, she's already furious!

The eldest daughter of the Left Hall, the Virgin of Biyungu Palace, the true blood of the phoenix... Originally loved all over the world, she is now ridiculed and has fallen into such a wolf.

Left Green Hate!

Deep in the woods, the left green fist smashed a tree.

“You shouldn't be so unsettled. ”

A black robe appeared behind her.

Left Qing Qing bit his teeth and stared at him, his eyes jumping at the fire.

The Black Robe passes a bottle of Left Green: “This bottle of liquid will give you a quick promotion, but it will overrun your life. ”