Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3373: Junior Pride 3

This little cutie... Her Royal Highness feels she's not really going to fall into her hands for the rest of her life.

The strong of the spiritual sanctuary, and the Prince of the Empire, who can fight from snow to the north to divide the autumn colors equally, is stunned at this moment that the little girl in hand has no choice.

He bites his teeth and cuts them: "I admit it wrong. Come on! ”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. ”

The phoenix danced around him like a tailless bear, nodding like garlic, nothing to be ashamed of.

His Royal Highness has no idea what to do with this thick-skinned girl.

He raised his hand high and ended up on top of her hair.

This girl must have been sent by Heavenly Path to torture him. Otherwise, how could her emotions fluctuate so much? He was an ancient well waveless man.

“So are you still angry?” The young girl can do her best to reassure him.

His Royal Highness muddled and muddled.

The teenager's fine fingers poked him in the chest: "Well, let's not get upset now, shall we? ”

Her Royal Highness glanced at her and made a letter of reflection.

Thinking means he's not angry, is he?

“You're not mad, are you?” Phoenix, take a good look at him.

His Royal Highness hummed softly, lying flat on his back with his hands behind his head, his legs curled like Jiro's legs, so arrogant.

Just a straw in the mouth.

Phoenix didn't get a good glance at him, now he's happy, huh?

“Now that you're not angry, I can go.” The phoenix rose from the bed and went outside.

“No!” His Royal Highness didn't know what to do, so he grabbed the phoenix dress.

Poor phoenix dance, slippery soles, falling on the back, smashed into the arms of King's Landing.

Phoenix danced all the way to the sky, and my little foot slipped back to me, but...

Nor did King Linyuan grab anywhere, anyway, the phoenix dance can't turn over, like a tortoise that can't be turned around, but it is useless.

The phoenix dance broke down, and she shouted: "King Linyuan, stop! Let me up!”

But her little turtle looks so cute, Her Royal Highness can't have fun, she actually laughed.

Oops... piss off the phoenix!

“How dare you laugh, King Linyuan? Shut the fuck up!” The phoenix dance was so angry and angry that it turned into a quail.

“Hahahahahahahaha - little fat turtle”

The phoenix dance succeeded in amusing His Royal Highness.

Even a smile is only a slightly raised radius of King's Landing Abyss. It is extremely rare to laugh at this moment.

Forget the little turtle. At least it sounds adorable. But what is the little fat turtle?

How can phoenix be offended?

So, a big bed war kicked off.

By the time the phoenix dance walks out of the courtyard, it will be night.


Phoenix danced and slapped her head. How could she forget something so important when she was being held hostage by King Lin Yuan?

Windy golden leg bones!

To think of it, the phoenix dance quickly walked towards the colonel district where the wind was located.

The wind is definitely here.

“Phoenix? What's the matter with you?" The wind looked at Phoenix in confusion.

Phoenix: “What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? ”

Feng: “Your hair… it's a little messy, did you fight? ”

Phoenix: “Well... there's nothing I can't fight! ”

The wind fox looked at the phoenix dance: “I thought you were fighting with someone else. Why are you feeling a little faint? ”

Phoenix glanced at the wind and said: "Who's heartless? You need to talk nonsense. I was just about to give you a gift. Do you want more? ”

Windstorm: “Gift? Did my little prince want anything? Would you care for a little gift? Hey, tell me, who did you fight? And Left Green? Did you finish her off? ”