Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3420 Talk to King Linyuan about a Booming Love!

Feng Dance remembers where she is chasing King Linyuan. She doesn't care where she is. Sit down and urge Peach Blossom Pokémon nervously and excitedly!

“Say it! Tell me! What's the Peach Twelve mission? Hurry up!”

The Peach Blossom Pokémon didn't know what the task was before, and she was as excited as the Phoenix.

But when she opened the task scroll in her hand and took a look at it, she had a bad face.

As she watched, she secretly glanced at the phoenix dance.

But because Phoenix was staring at her, she caught her little move all at once.

Peach Blossom Pokémon's body suddenly became stiff and his gaze was subconsciously avoiding phoenix dancing.

Phoenix was in a hurry.

She stared at the Peach Flower Pokémon: “Tell me. ”

Phoenix dance as steady as Tarzan, when will people be as anxious as they are now?

Peach blossom elf took a deep breath. She watched the phoenix dance and slowly said: “Master... calm down for a moment. ”

Peach Flower Pokémon is fine if she doesn't say that. As soon as she talks, the phoenix dance almost jumped up.

“Say it!”

Where can she sit, she stands tall and stares at the Peach Flower Pokémon.

Peach Blossom Pokémon was a little frightened by the roar of Phoenix dance. Ser shrunk his head and weakly said: “Well... then don't be angry. ”

Phoenix frowned and stared at the Peach Blossom Pokémon.

Peach Flower Pokémon is busy: “Okay, I said, task 12 is...”

“Task 12 has two options, you just have to choose one of them.” The Peach Blossom Pokémon swallowed the saliva and looked carefully at the phoenix dance.

"“ Mmm. ”

Peach Blossom Pokémon: “Option One, and King's Landing Yuan... are strangers and have not known each other since. ”

Phoenix breathes as a nitrogen, eyes wide open Peach Blossom Pokémon!

Peach Blossom Pokémon Zheng pointed out: “Well, option one is like this, don't believe it yourself. ”

The Peach Flower Pokémon waved and a panel appeared in front of the Phoenix Dance.

It does say on the panel:

Mission 12 of the Peach Blossom Twelve, you can choose one task.

Task one, like King's Landing, is strange, and I haven't known him since.

The phoenix dance bit his lower lip and his face floated with a heavy colour.

If it was before, she and King's Landing Yuan were strangers, we didn't know each other well anyway, but with one approach, Phoenix Dance had to admit that there was a flash point on King's Landing Yuan that really attracted her, and more than a little or two, although this dog and teenager had a bad temper.

He looks like a stranger… I didn't even find myself dancing Phoenix, how concentrating I am at this moment.

Phoenix looked at task two.

She's a little scared of option two now. What if option two is even more offensive?

But Phoenix eventually watched.

When she saw Task Two, everyone was going nuts.

I don't know if I was angry or how stupid I was... Anyway, Phoenix was stunned.

Option 2: Talk to King Linyuan about a big romance!

Phoenix stares wide, staring dead at this bright red word in front of her!

This... Peach blossom system god is playing with her?!

The first option is to have an affair with King Lin Yuan, the second option is to have an intense relationship with King Lin Yuan?!

Is it so extreme?

Why is there no middle item?!

Feng Dance's stiff body stared hard at the Peach Flower Pokémon and said depressingly: “Are you sure you're not playing with me? ”