Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3540: Someone Wants to Kill Her? 3

If you hear someone trying to kill you, normal people won't leave at this time, and Phoenix is no exception.

Phoenix doesn't dare look with their eyes because it's easy for them to spot each other.

She only raised her ears and listened.

The old lady is telling the man who ran away from her.

The person who ran from her, Phoenix danced this time finally quietly with the rest of the light, it was a middle-aged woman... was a nurse who followed her without flowers, remember to call her Xi Aunt.

The old lady asked her first.

Xi Xiao told her that she had lost the battle with Phoenix this time and that she was practicing at this moment.

Lady Hua frowned and said to Auntie Xi: "Now everyone who is strong is going to kill Feng Dance, as is the Left family. ”

Lady Hua said, glancing at the old man across the street.

The phoenix dance had been quietly watching with the afterglow. She found the old man across the street listening to Lady Hua. He held her hands and drank with a low head. When he heard that the left family was also going to kill the phoenix dance, he smiled slightly.

Left family!

Phoenix immediately concluded that the old man was absolutely left family and was extremely high in the left family.

Because he can sit opposite Lady Hua. If Lady Hua is a man who can take charge of the family, then the old man opposite... is not Left Green's grandfather?!

The old man who was previously injured by King Linyuan?!

“You're excited.” The colorful phoenix whispers to the phoenix dance.

“Hmm.” The phoenix responded to the colorful phoenix in her mind, but her body moved slightly.

“What are you doing?!” Phoenix is in shock!

Little girl, are you still moving at a time like this? Aren't you afraid of being found?!

Phoenix: “I can't move. I've been here a long time. It's easy to spot. We have to find a hiding place to hide. ”

The phoenix dance saw a cluster of tungsten not far away, so the phoenix quietly moved into the clustered tungsten blossoms of branches and leaves to cover itself with flowers that seemed like them.

The colorful phoenix was scared to move and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Fortunately, the strong ones in the front didn't notice this way, so they didn't notice.

Phoenix's ears were raised and she was still listening to the old lady.

When she heard of the fifteen spiritual kingdoms of the flower family and the fifteen spiritual kingdoms of the left family, she caught fire in her heart!

The old lady and the old man can really look up to her!

She's just a little spirit kingdom.

Open to the public are the four stars of the kingdom of the Spirit. Although she has now promoted herself to the eight stars of the kingdom of the Spirit, it is only eight stars!

The two families are out of the realm of 30 spirits. What is this for?!

Destroy her whole family?!

In the meantime, the old man of the left family came in a shady way: “There is no need for Phoenix in this world anymore. ”

Lady Hua frowned. She turned her head and looked at the old man on the other side: “Do you want to destroy the Phoenix? ”

Master Zuo's eyes were cold: “Grass will not be cut off, the spring wind will blow again. ”

“My left family, when Todai, listened to the words of Left Green, only scrapped her true phoenix blood, thought she was a trash, rather than die. ”

“But it turns out that the Chosen Daughter is different. It's incredible how she can rise in the blood of the Phoenix God. ”

Old man left put down the cup in his hand.

The old man hid most of his body in the cape. He looked thin and thin. The face after the hat was lifted was like a ghost.

All of a sudden, he grinned,