Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3542 Treasure Palace 1

Lady Hua laughed: “Such an immortal teenager deserves to be my grandson's son-in-law.” The old man glanced at her, silently reckoning, but didn't say it.

Lady Hua: “When will you do it? ”

Old man Zuo: “Right after Christmas? ”

Lady Hua nodded: “That's a deal. ”

“Yue Rong, I didn't expect you to find the mica.” The old man stared at the old lady.

After the two reached an intention to cooperate, the two parties became close to each other.

Lady Hua smiled slightly: “The mica's qi is really hard to find, but if there's a reason, it's not impossible to find. Why, after all these years, you haven't saved at all? ”

The old lady said as she removed a wooden box from her sleeve.

The wooden box opens and a strand of fresh air lifts out of it.

Old Master Left's eyes are crazy!

But Lady Hua seemed to have deliberately seduced him, and when the air had risen, she waved her hand and all the air had returned to the unusual box.

In the envious eyes of old man Zuo, the old man said to his aunt: "Put away the mica of this box. ”

Sincerely, “Yes. ”

She took the first two steps and took out a thick snow-white felt, carefully inserting the small box into it.

“Put it in the heavenly treasure trove.” The Lady of Flowers gave a faint order.

Auntie nodded and turned back.

As she passed through the hole, she suddenly felt something and reached out and grabbed a hand in the void.

And that's where she stood before the phoenix dance.

If the phoenix didn't leave, the prototype was immediately exposed.

Good thing Auntie didn't catch anything.

She did not have an extra pause and turned away immediately.

The phoenix dance was relieved.

“I can't hold on...” The voices of the colorful phoenix are very strong.

Phoenix danced through the Sea of Knowledge and found that this normal hanging bird, at this moment, is full of sweat beads, clearly has entered the overdraft state.

We can't stay here any longer.

So the phoenix dance walked away cautiously.

The phoenix dance was extremely careful and she followed the aunt.

She dared to land when her footsteps landed, and she gasped when she gasped.

Sure enough...

When Phoenix did so, the two powerful men who transcended the kingdom of the Spirit did not notice her existence.

The phoenix dance entered the aisle without relaxing its vigilance.

Because there are so many strong people here, it gives her the feeling of walking all over the place, every step of her life is like walking on thin ice, with a little carelessness.

After the aunt ruled out the different sensations she had just had, she didn't put her mind there anymore.

After all, how could anyone lurk in front of two superpowers? Not to mention she swept all around, not at all.

Turns out there are two forks in this passage.

One leads to the courtyard of Lady Hua and the other to the Heavenly Treasure Palace.

A few breathing moments arrive, not far from each other.

Aunt Xi pulled the key out of her arms and opened the Treasure Palace door.

“I really can't hold on...” Colorful Phoenix's little body rocked and fainted.

“Now, hold on a little longer! You'll be in the Heavenly Treasure Palace soon.” Phoenix whispered to the little guy.

Aunt Xi may also realize that what is in her hand is very hot...

She didn't have any extra stops, she took a weird-looking key out of her arms, inserted it into her key-eye, and it was coded, and the third inscription unlocked...