Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3695 Where Phoenix 2

Phoenix wanted to talk, but realized that her mute spot had been dotted and she couldn't even throw up a word.

Nor was she discouraged, and slowly moved to the man in the black robe.

“Mm-hmm.” Phoenix refers to her throat.

The Black Robe glanced at her, did not speak, and continued his practice.

“Mm-hmm.” Phoenix stubbornly stood in front of him, pointing to his throat.

She can't talk, it's a big problem, so we have to lift the ban.

The black robe man was impatient, and Mori, full of threats, stared at Phoenix.

“Mm-hmm.” The phoenix dance is like a little stubborn right now.

Black robes don't have to have headaches.

Let this little mute keep going. Is he practicing or not?

The mountains are high, but nobody is afraid of her screaming.

The Black Robe stared at Phoenix and warned him: "If you do something beyond that, next time it won't be as simple as banning dumpsters. ”

Phoenix nodded. “Mm-hmm. ”

Black Robe Man: "What kind of things do you know about passing through? ”

The phoenix dance is busy nodding.

The Black Robe kind of lost to her, removed the Phoenix Dumb Points.

“Mud like age? ”

When the phoenix danced, the dumb sound almost didn't scare me.

The black robe man looked strangely at the phoenix dance.

”- [sic]“ Cough, cough... "

After clearing her throat, the phoenix dance shouted again: “Who are you? Why did you kidnap me? What's the purpose? ”

The black robe stared at the phoenix dance and frowned slightly, seemingly thinking about something.

Feng immediately took three steps back and said to the man in the black robe: "... is this too much? ”

The black robe stared at the phoenix dance. Although he didn't speak, the meaning in his eyes was obvious. What if it wasn't?

Once again, Phoenix took a step back: "Okay, I won't ask. Just do it. ”

“I'm going for a minute. You're not coming with me!” Phoenix stared vigilantly at the Black Robe Man.

The black robe was silent and waved at the phoenix.

The phoenix ran out of the temple with a skirt in small pieces.

After leaving the temple, the phoenix dance stood at the waist of the hill and looked away. She was desperate after a glance.

At this time, they are situated in a mountainous hillside, beneath which is a deep cliff, foggy, far away in the jungle, unable to see the end...

Where is this place? Phoenix has no idea.

She squatted in the grass, pretended to be in the toilet, had two handkerchiefs, and quickly thought of a way out of her head.

It's really hard...

The current phoenix dance, although it can go, can still run small steps, but she has been repaired to be sealed, can not make any spiritual power.

Even the spaces were blocked and the two spoilers could not communicate.

Phoenix is now alone.

King Lin Yuan must be crazy looking for her... we need to find a way to let King Lin Yuan know that she was taken away by this black robe man.

Phoenix dancing hands on the parchment, suddenly, eyes lit up.

At this point, a slight footstep was heard not far away.

Besides the phoenix dance, it's the black robe, so it must be him.

Sure enough, the black robe man stood not far away, his sharp eyes staring at the location of the phoenix dance: “Let's go. ”

Phoenix: “Okay, now! ”

At the end of the dance, Feng was furious: “Go away, I didn't know the little girl would be ashamed! ”

Once again, the Black Robe was silent: “…"

He wants to seal her dumb spot.

Shortly after, the phoenix dance returned.

Black robes stare at phoenix dancers.

Her hands were wet and stained with green juice.

The black robe is vigilant, so I saw the phoenix dance...