Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3853: Beiyan Palace 3

When the news reached the Queen's Sleeping Palace, the Queen and the Princess rose together!

The queen glanced at the princess even more viciously: "Did you burn the royal study?! ”

As soon as the royal study burns... this is a big deal.

It's not a trivial matter, it's a big matter of state! Wen Wu Baiguan will be involved, this will boil soup, can't stop!

The princess is also ashamed.

She didn't understand, she did well on weekdays, had a safe journey and came here like this... How did everything she did recently work out?

It seems that everything has changed since she started targeting Phoenix...

The queen hated the princess: “Did you really order the royal study to be burned? ”

The princess was anxious to argue: "Mother, what am I doing burning the study? What's in it for me to burn the royal study? ”

The Queen wants to be, but it's still troublesome.

“Get rid of that little eunuch before it gets to you!” The queen glanced at the princess.

The princess nodded busily and was about to go out and do this, but the queen stopped her: “Forget about this palace. Forget about this. Don't get involved in this, just pretend you don't know. ”

The princess hurried forward, holding the queen's arm and spreading her delicacy: “I knew that Mother and Queen were the best for Jie Shen. When Jie Shen became a monarch, I would share this North Yanjiang Mountain with Mother and Queen later. ”

The queen was the most popular, and she nodded with a smile.

But... the greater prince is behind this, the easier it is for the queen to handle it, the more she does... the more she will go wrong.

The Grand Prince has never been so happy.

Ever since his father put him in line with the princess, his life has been difficult, because the princess has a queen behind her and an ancestor, but he... has nothing but himself.

So the Grand Prince has been in a state of repression, retreating...

But this time after joining forces with Phoenix, the effect was surprisingly good, and now he has a lot of evidence of the princess.

The Fire Royal Studio is naturally a little mosquito pen.

Such a gifted young girl of the Empire of Junwu... the Grand Prince lamented in his heart and did not know when she had prepared this plan, so he trapped the princess in a trap step by step.

And there's Mei Fei...

The Grand Prince pressed his heart to continue what he was going to do.

At this moment, she threw the matter of the princess to the Grand Prince and left herself idle, but not really idle, because she remembered her goals.

She needs to see Ho Yanhambo soon...

“I'm going into the palace.” Phoenix danced to Houyi in the morning.

Hu Yanyi shouted: “Into the palace? Now?”

"Xi-feng nodded. ”

Hu Yanyi wondered: “What are you doing in the palace now? Are you in such a hurry? ”

Feng Dance nodded. “It's urgent. Don't you want revenge for your sister? ”

Hu Yanya was excited: “Can you kill Hu Yanhong Jun now? ”

Phoenix shook her head: “Soon. ”

Hu Yanya was excited: “Okay, let me help you with this, but after entering the palace...”

"- [sic]“ Just send it to the Grand Prince. ”

Phoenix could have gone into the palace if it was a little risky, but if it's this way, why should she risk it?

Hu Yanya morning went busy, and after a fragrant time, he came to tell Phoenix,