Godly Model Creator

Chapter 197 Architectural Studio

Source Energy Association, located in the heart of River City.

Between the countless high-rise buildings, like a super building with a sword straight into the sky, is the Energy Society's division in River City, 100 floors long! When Su Hao stood downstairs, he felt a pounding momentum. Hundreds of meters tall, the whole river city, and only the Energy Society has that kind of ambition!

Access to the Source Energy Association is generally the same as the lobby of the Source Energy Office.

However, both technology and cleanliness have improved considerably. Clean lobby, neat and orderly queuing, a famous security guard patrolled the neighborhood. Everyone's breath shocked Su Hao. The strength of these people - at least above him!

And these people, they're just security?


The Energy Society is rich and arrogant.

Perhaps there are a lot of big characters here. Teacher Su Wan's letter of recommendation did not cause any waves. Only a staff member of the Energy Association registered the information with Su Hao. After entering it, it was even finished. From today on, Su Hao is even a member of the Energy Association.

Access to the talent market system in the Lobby of the Energy Society.

Su Hao also went through the light screen to enter this largest recruitment venue in Jianghe City!

Inside the system, the occupations and classifications of dense hemp and hemp are exhaustive. Here, the difference with energy firms is that energy firms are mostly immediate and transient one-time tasks. And here, it's a career, a long-term task, a completely formal job.

“Model class? ”

Su Hao tried to enter his own search term on it.


Soon, the information was retrieved and a row of information popped up.

At the top, there is little career information, there is a toy modeller and there is a playground modeller, both professions are currently in extreme demand.

Below these two professions is a small line.

“Are you looking for a model-based construction industry with fewer model-based occupations? If yes, click here to search. ”

Su Hao Khan Yan.

The talent market system is really smart.

It seems that a lot of people have made the same mistakes before the system is recorded.

Click on the retrieval information of the model type of construction industry, and soon, countless information emerges.


“Snowflake Architecture Workshop, 1 model designer, 3 physical model architects, 1 virtual simulation architect, 1 eco-derivative master, excellent treatment! Reputation Level: . ”

“Star River Rain Morning Architectural Studio with 3 model designers for excellent treatment! Reputation Level: . ”

“Wireless System Architecture Studio, 100 Entity Model Architects, Brand Studio, Absolute Development Advantage, Ten Years Old Signature, Benefits From! Reputation Level: . ”

“The Architectural Studio of the Divine Demon Continental Account will enroll 1 eco-derived master, willing to enroll 1.5 times the premium. If you intend, please contact us at speed. Reputation level: . ”

“sjnzh12 Architectural Studio with 10 Model Designers, Packaged, Free Training, College Graduate, Fair, Transparent, Fast. Internal promotions are made every three months, and there are no airborne soldiers. Reputation Level: . ”


dense and numb recruitment information, Su Hao's eyes almost blinded.

This is just the information on the header, after each dot, with detailed recruitment details, recruitment conditions, studio presentations, eligibility, and specific transportation routes.

Building studios in almost every colour.

In order of reputation from high to low, the five-star super-high reputation is only available in snowflake and wireless systems. Four stars counts.

“The gap between five and four stars, is it big? ”

Su Hao browed slightly wrinkled.

At the time of the tangle, his shoulder suddenly slapped. Su Hao almost subconsciously did it. Later, he remembered that this was the Energy Association before relaxing.

Turning around, he saw a handsome young man sitting on his shoulder with one hand, smiling at him, “Dude, get a job. ”


Su Hao nodded.

“First time here? ”


“A little confused...”


“That's right! ”

Young man having a good time, "What do you think? Want me to introduce you? ”

Su Hao's heart moved and glanced at him. "Ask for money. ”

“hey hey. ”

Young man hey Happy, happy to say: "Friend, you are so sweet. How about, with only 100 stars, I can serve an hour to satisfy all your problems today! Not to tell you, I have been mixing cards here for decades, the service attitude is definitely one of the best, basically, as long as you ask, there is nothing I can't answer! Guaranteed great value for money! ”

“Hehe. ”

Su Hao smiled uncolored.

Hu Card?

What kind of name is that? Were you born playing mahjong?

Mixed marks for decades?

Not to mention the source turmoil for how many years. At this age, it was still a sperm decades ago...

“cough cough. ”

Hu also seemed to know that he had overblown himself and smiled embarrassingly, "Junior, how are you thinking, great value for money! ”

Su Hao smiled slightly and gave him 100 stars.

Hu took the money, had a good time, patted her tits, "Brother, don't worry, it will definitely meet your needs! ”

Su Hao shared the light screen with him and pointed to the star rating above, “What does this five and four star mean? Reputation level, is there a star difference? ”

“Hey, construction. ”

Hu glanced at it and saw a glimmer of darkness in his eyes, just that it quickly returned to normal, “The gap between the five and four stars is huge, and the five stars are almost the best in the entire industry. This snowflake construction studio, for example, is one of the best construction studios in the entire river city! The four star studios in the back, though impressive, still have quite a gap with them. ”

“So that's how it is. ”

Su Hao suddenly pointed to the dense and numb studio, “How many stars and above can you trust? ”

“Normally, Samsung has a good reputation for getting into Samsung's architectural studio, which is pretty good. In the case of two stars, small studios with generally higher wages, but relatively unstable, can give it a try if they are in dire need of money, but failure is common sense. And the one star… basically belongs to black households, it is strongly recommended not to contact them, it is completely the kind of pit death people don't pay for. ”

Hoax hated to say, look at that, probably not too many pits.

“Really? ”

Su Hao thought thoughtfully, “So what about these studios that don't have stars? ”

“Well, that's what you mean. ”

Hu took a look, "These are the new studios, because they didn't complete the task, so they didn't have any stars. When they complete their mission, any star rating is possible. However, even if a mission is completed, it usually starts with two stars. One star is responsible for all kinds of violations. ”

Su Hao was silent.

Sure enough, it's like mountain separation.

The water in the construction industry is so deep!

However, his main purpose is not to work...

“Hook, here, if you get a job, what do you usually do? Need a contract? ”

“Of course! ”

Hu nodded, "However, upon entering the studio, there will be a probationary period of one month, if successful, a contract of one or three years can be signed, and if not successful, the studio may terminate the contract directly. You can leave at any time during the trial period, but your salary will be lost and you will likely be blacklisted in the future. ”

“This is good. ”

Su Hao's eyes lit up!

He used to play soy sauce, and he really didn't care about the money.

Hu Guan glanced at him and apparently did not understand why the contract, which was clearly detrimental to the candidate, was to be commended. Come out to work. Who doesn't want an iron job? Probation period, it sounds good, isn't it really just a test, if the test fails, people will naturally be fired.

There are a lot of studios, and that's why they keep hiring workers at low prices, and then after the trial period, they kick people out, and then they recruit again.

This deception is also why many studios are labeled as stars.

After roughly understanding these, Su Hao checked the studio above to see if he met his requirements and was ready to join.

And just at this point, Hook suddenly came up with a sentence.

“If you are prepared to develop in this industry, it is recommended that you do not choose something similar to a wireless system construction studio. ”


Su Hao frowned and looked at the so-called wireless system construction studio.

“Wireless System Architecture Studio, 100 Entity Model Architects, Brand Studio, Absolute Development Advantage, Ten Years Old Signature, Benefits From! Reputation Level: . ”

It's a very appealing introduction.

“This studio is an old-fashioned studio, and its strength is unquestionable. If it recruits other professions, there are a lot of people who want to join, but only this physical model architect - absolutely not.” Hu Zhan introduced beside him.

“Oh, why?” Su Hao wondered.

“This studio is special because he accepts not only his own studio tasks, but even those of other studios! For example, some studios can complete model analysis and virtual construction, but do not have physical model architects' studios… and at this point, the task is received by them and done by themselves. ”

“They even send their own staff to each other's studios to work with them on this task. At least 90 of these 100 physical model architects are on an ongoing assignment! This way, in this system, is called outsourcing! ”