Godly Model Creator

Chapter 329: The Real Purpose of a Repeater! (Moon ticket!

“Really canceled? ”

Su Hao's pupils contracted.

It's not fucking scientific!

The repeat student score line promotion limit has been lifted. What are the new entrants in the exam? Go home to wash and sleep, see who practiced for a long time. Those who will enter key universities in the future are old uncles.

Slide the light curtain, and the third one is reflected in the eye curtain.

Reform Article 3 and increase the age judgment system!

The existing mechanism for adding and changing nonsuccessful scores for college entrance exams is only relevant to age! It's not about repeaters and candidates, only age ultimately affects college scores.

The assessment formula is: College final score = College exam score - College exam score * 0.1 * Extra age.

Among them, the college entrance examination score is the sum of the scores earned by college entrance examination students at the time of the college entrance examination, 0.1 is the factor for your bottle of judgment mechanism, and the additional age is the age at which college entrance examination students exceed the standard age set by the college entrance examination.

The default age for college entrance exams is 18 years.

This means that the additional age is 18 years as the basis, 1 for the older age and 2 for the older age. If you are one year younger, the extra age is -1, and so on. If you are over the age of 18, the final score of the college entrance exam will inevitably be lower than the score of the exam.

By the same token, if you are very young, the final score of the college entrance exam will certainly be considerably higher than the score obtained.

Simply put, for every 1 year younger, the score is increased by 10%. For each year of age, 10 per cent of the college entrance examination score is deducted.

If it is understood in a simpler way, it is…

If a candidate is over 18 years of age and 10 years of age, it means that no matter how many points he relies on, his final score is zero, and the comedy of taking a negative score is... not to mention it.

And if you take a college exam when you're only 8 years old, you'll double your exam score directly!

In this day and age, only for genius!

“Age assessment mechanisms. ”

Su Hao shrugged slightly. Obviously, this age rating mechanism is more reasonable than the previous repeat student increment mechanism. The refinement and improvement of SOE over the years have been very thoughtful.

Su Hao is 18 years old and his extra age equals 0, so his college entrance exam score is the final score of the college entrance exam. Most of the entrants are about the same.

And repeating students...

Bai Xiaosheng has retired five times. It must be 23 this year, right?


His exam scores, they'll kill him 50%?

In this case, can he really go to War College?

Su Hao was very suspicious. Even if it was a 100 out of 100 score criterion, if it was half killed, it would be estimated that there would be 50 left. Even passing the test would be impossible. What kind of war college would you go to?

“Bai Xiaosheng shouldn't be so funny...”

Su Hao muttered, “Is there anything else in here that I don't know? ”

In curiosity, Su Hao directly gave Bai Xiaosheng a newsletter in the past. Never thought that Bai Xiaosheng would be proud to say, "No way, we are geniuses. When we were young, we would always dance so many times. In fact, I was only 20 years old this year. Hey, I am as innocent as snow...”

“Hehe. ”

Su Hao hung up the newsletter and said, "This asshole! ”

He would have expected that.

Who, when rich and powerful, is not raised from an early age and nourished by a variety of herbs and energy agents? Completely different from the one he grew up on a bun pickle. So if you think about it, jumping or something... it doesn't seem like a strange thing.

“Anyway, this guy's got 20% off! ”

Su Hao smiled with a funny smile.

He looked forward to the college entrance exam when Bai Xiaosheng felt this guy was being crushed by him.

Reform of Article 4, comprehensive change of college entrance examination mode!

The new college entrance exam will add additional questions to each project, test the student's potential and strength, and score additional questions for the college entrance exam will be included in the college entrance exam score.

“College entrance exam questions? ”

Su Hao frowned slightly, what the hell.

He took the simulation exam, it is said that it is the same pattern as the college exam, so he has a bottom line in mind, but what are the additional questions for this new college exam?

After thinking for a moment, without any results, Su Hao could only continue to look down.

Article 5 Reform, Reward for Commissioning.

As the Federal Government's first High Examination Run, any student who enters a key university or higher will receive a special award from the Energy Society, as well as a special award for admission to a university. The specific incentives shall be based on the incentives granted by the universities themselves.

“Rewards from the Energy Society and special prizes from colleges...”

If Su Hao had thought about it and was able to enter key universities and above, all students should be eligible to impact the professional or already professional students in the future. The reward would also be regarded as stimulating the overall progress of human strength.

This should be the result of consultations between SOE and the Federal Government.

But these two rewards...

Su Haomei locked the lock. Is that why the repeater stayed?

The only reforms in the Preliminary Trial Operation Notice of the Federal College Examination Reform Program are the five above, and the only ones that look at all the reforms can keep repeaters alive are the five!

Su Hao's heart moved.

Reward…… War Academy……

Su Hao slid the screen and quickly logged onto the official website of the War Academy. A sticky message was highlighted directly above.

War Academy About High Exam Run Reward!


Top 10,000 college entrance exams globally, you can join the War College directly!

As students of the first trial run of the college entrance exam, all freshmen of the War Academy are awarded one matching source skill and one matching source skill.

Top 1000 college entrance exams in the world, rewarding the War Academy for the energy quenching once.

The top 100 college entrance exams globally can be visited in action by the federal military.

The top 10 university entrance exams in the world are free to choose a school specialty and become the department's new minister, with free control over the department's allocation of freshman resources and access to a federal military field exercise.

College entrance exam ranked # 1 in the world, earned the title "strongest freshman”, counted in the history of the War Academy, default freshman presidential candidate, control freshman year all resource allocation!

You can enter the Federation Military Wesen Battlefield for a hunt!



Su Hao just felt his mind roar!

He finally understood why these repeaters stayed!


This is an unprecedented expansion!

Top 10,000 in the world!

In previous years, the War Academy, when there were only a few thousand, or even a few, there were just over a thousand, and on average, the War Academy enrolled only 2,000 people a year.

But this year...

Whether it's because of the retention of repeat students, because of the different generations, or because of the impact of the college exam run, this year the college of war has enrolled a whole 10,000 people!

War College is crazy!

This was Su Hao's first thought!

Five times more!

What a crazy move!

Not only that, enter the War Academy, but also reward a matching source technique and a source practice. Su Hao, who has been plagued by these two things for a long time, naturally knows how valuable it is to find matching source skills and refinements! War Academy, it's a big deal this time!

And if those who are two or three years old are waiting for this expansion, then what are Bai Xiaosheng and those who are five professional grades waiting for?

Su Hao's eyes locked on the top 1000 and top 100 rewards.

War Academy source energy quenching!

Federal military field trip!

Source energy quenching Su Hao has a slight understanding. It is a way to increase the intensity of source energy professionally. With the assistance of drugs and others, energy refining can be carried out directly to improve the intensity of source energy! Resources are expensive, expensive and ineligible for contact elsewhere.

As for the tour of the Federation military in action…

It goes without saying.

We can see for ourselves how the Federation is fighting the Beast! We can see for ourselves what the bloodbath of man and beast is!

How glorious it is to be able to meet a senior in the front line of battle!

I have to say, even Su Hao was moved.

Blade the fierce beast, defend the earth!

Isn't that what he dreamed of? Not to mention the top 10 college entrance exams, you can directly follow the military trials and experience the atmosphere. As for the 1st place in the college entrance exam... you can even enter the battle directly! Fight alongside the real heroes!

fierce beast battlefield!

The line between humans and beasts, a real bloody killing battlefield!

Global warfare!


Only then will Su Hao understand the meaning of this phrase.

Imagine how fierce the competition will be this time!

The 1st and 1st 10 may be too harsh, but Su Hao is confident that if he dedicates himself to the college entrance exam, the top 100 should be fine!

So this time, his goal is the top 100!

“Top 100...”

Su Hao's eyes flashed the color of expectation, I will achieve it!

At this time, it wasn't just Su Hao who was excited. Almost everyone was rubbing their hands with friction. Although the competition for this college entrance exam was intense, the reward for this college entrance exam was also so rich and terrible!

Mysterious Reward of the Source Energy Association!

Special rewards for colleges and universities!

The War Academy has issued a reward that is eye-catching to everyone, and other colleges naturally don't want to lag behind. Although they are not comparable to the War Academy, they are enough to shock the students!

Global Ranking!

Full expansion!

Words like that, all over the mouth.

Almost all schools have expanded their recruitment. Has competitive pressure decreased?

Otherwise, those who have truly gone through previous college entrance exams will know that this college entrance exam is almost about fighting for genius. For the truly strong, you will receive more and more rewards than ever before! And those weak people who think they can pick up cheap may not even have access to college!

The number has indeed increased.

But correspondingly, almost all students' overall strength is now fully climbed!

So by now, everyone knows what a crazy feast this college entrance exam will be!

Everyone in every city in the world is rubbing their hands in friction.

Prepare for college entrance exam!