Godly Model Creator

Chapter 515 Source Energy Quenching!

Su Hao?

Everyone reacted.

Soon someone reacted, causing the surrounding people to watch!

Su Hao!

The name means something different.

College entrance exam!

That's definitely not blown!

Whatever your strength, every college entrance exam stands for potential, endless potential!

But last week, freshmen enrolled in school. This 10,000-strong moment, Su Hao as a college entrance exam Yuan, did not come. At that time, there was a strong response from countless people! After all, Su Hao also had a lot of fans at the War Academy. They were all waiting for this moment. As a result...

You didn't show up?

At one time, there were rumors on the Internet!

Su Hao was oppressed, Su Hao's serious injuries were not healed, Su Hao died outside the city, and Su Hao was injured by love. A lot of messy news appeared. Among them, none is more convincing than Su Hao in the battle of the capital city. The use of forbidden techniques to fight the White Wind is still not recovered today!

War College.

There must be one entrance exam!

This is used to assess the strength of all students.

After all, it's been a long time since college entrance exams have passed, there are not a few students promoted for summer holidays, and, unlike the external evaluation criteria, the War Academy has its own complete credit rating system.

All freshmen will have a uniform entrance exam once the freshman instruction has been completed.

Within one month of the completion of the credit rating, the school will distribute resources and services to each student based on the corresponding credits.


The importance of credits, no doubt!

Everyone guessed that after Su Hao used the banning technique to defeat Bai Feng, his strength had not recovered, and he should wait for the last moment to participate.

But nobody expected it, Su Hao didn't come at all!

On the third day of school, they didn't see Su Hao at all. The so-called rumors naturally won't break themselves. However, Su Hao's abandonment of the War Academy provoked more sensation and led to countless shelling. After all, not going through the admission process means giving up!

College entrance exam dollars give up war college?

Student Su Hao caught fire again!


No one thought of it.

A week later, I actually saw Su Hao at the front door of the War Academy!

“He's here! ”

Almost unbelievable!

Not only because Su Hao entered the War Academy, but also because the War Academy, which was never shaken by anything, was never more than just the War Academy. He broke the rules himself and opened a small stove for Su Hao?!

That's War College!

This is almost impossible, but it really happened to them.

“What's going on? ”

Everyone whispers.

Su Hao listened carefully to Xiayu's explanation. He could hear the people around him, but what does it have to do with him? Having experienced the fierce beast battlefield, he has seen the emperor and the half emperor, he has seen too many powerful people, will he be slandered by these rumors?


Su Hao's thoughts were clear.


Almost simultaneously, a burst of heavenly energy surfaced. Su Hao's internal energy instantly resonated with him, surrounded by a essentially source of energy. Su Hao was almost submerged.

All around, full of energy!



Wrap Su Hao in it!

“What is this? ”

Su Hao's heart shocked and his subconscious thought was defensive. He couldn't reach it. This force actually blew directly into his body, without any effect at all!


Su Hao's thoughts flashed. When he looked closely at the energy source, it suddenly suddenly stopped.

Not defenseless, but defenseless!

Because this is the purest source of energy, no harm to the human body! It can even be said to be a big complement for everyone.


Source energy sources diffuse in the body.

In a flash, Su Hao's energy flowed with Su Hao's energy. Then it intertwined quietly and fused. It began to change.

“Don't resist! ”

“Don't stop! ”

“Here's your reward! ”

“Adapt to it with your own body! ”

Xia Yu's voice floated in his ear. Su Hao immediately understood. His reward could it be...

Hu ——

Suction ——

Hu ——

Suction ——

Su Hao stood stunned in place, his chest shaking sharply, infinite source of energy, and a lot of it flowed out of the body, into and out.

So reciprocating.

After a few minutes, Su Hao gradually adapted.

Stand at the entrance.

Su Hao was immersed in it.

The surrounding students were amazed.

Origin energy quenching!

Source energy quenching!

Source energy is quenched to refine the source energy in the body through the influence of the source to achieve higher quality. Applicable to the initial stage of professionalization. The more energy in the body, the more it is affected. This is a special genius new to the War Academy. All the benefits!

And this time...

The top 1000 college entrance exams can all be quenched once free of charge. This is a reward announced before the college entrance examination. Su Hao, as the first place in the college entrance examination, naturally deserves this qualification. Although people can't understand that Su Hao has the privilege of being late in school, now they are even more curious...

How long can Su Hao last?

Origin energy quenching.

There's only one chance.

Every person who steps into professionalism and is eligible for quenching performs source quenching. And the source energy is quenched, and what changes is all the source energy in the organism! If you have one unit of energy, you get one unit of improvement, and if you have two units, it's naturally two units of improvement.

Source energy quenching improves the quality of all source energy.

The more energy you have in your body, the more revenue you get, and the longer you persevere, the longer you naturally will be!

Each session, when people qualified for energy quenching, step into professionalism, quenching time becomes a topic of concern.

Not to mention...

This time, Su Hao prompted the source energy to quench just after entering the school! Doesn't that mean he's already a professional?!

“I just reacted! ”

“Me too. After I beat Bai Feng, I always subconsciously treated Su Hao as a professional, so it was normal for him to trigger the source energy quenching. But he forgot, when he beat the white wind, he was a professional class 9! Now he breaks into professionalism, this gift...”

“Terrible! ”

“This student is crazy! Previous geniuses are not a few, but most of them are late, almost none to students who rushed so fast this early period! And this time, before enrolling in school alone, there are only two! ”

“Yeah, a Su Hao a heaven, tsk. ”

“Professional level, that's 10 credits. I was only 8 credits in sophomore year. I was proud of it the other day. Now it seems, hey...”

Everyone whispers.

Professionalism, a dividing line.

Especially before enrolling in school, they are professionalized and represent a different meaning.

And in this world, there are two.

In college entrance exams, Tianzi stepped to the edge of professionalism, and the worst part was a breakthrough. With the vast resources of the Heavenly Family, the summer kills into professionalism, almost to the point!

But Su Hao?

Everyone counts.

In this college entrance exam, you seem to be at level 5?

In other words, during a summer vacation, not only did this product rush from professional level 5 to professional peak, but also the talent in the smooth field, breaking through professionalism?

Countless people cover their tears when they think about it.

comparing oneself to others makes one angry!

Even though they are all War College students, this speed is fast and desperate!

“Lift fast, not necessarily strong. ”

Some people say, "Two months into professionalism from the fifth level of the profession, his accumulation is almost zero. How many sources can be changed when the source energy is quenched? Real genius, real accumulation! It's superior! This quick rush is suicidal. ”

“That is, that is. ”

Some people seem to have found a balance, “Without accumulation, the role of source quenching is weak, it's a waste! At the War Academy, those energy ratings are almost ignored, and credits are the way to go! ”

“Deeply. ”

Everyone was emotional.

“How long do you think Su Hao will last? ”

“Five minutes! After all, he's moving too fast, and I think he's likely to be rooted in instability.” Someone grinned.

“Otherwise. ”

Another shook his head. “Even though Su Hao rose fast, defeating White Wind was right, so I think he's still good, he can last at least 10 minutes! ”

“Six minutes! ”

“Seven minutes! ”

Everyone speculated.

War College, before it even started, feels novel.

Here, the so-called source energy assessment, it's just a tuned goal, and the judgment of strength, it seems, is measured by credits. Even a quick breakthrough is not something that everyone sees. Faculty of War, more importantly, is accumulation, is thick, thin hair.

How long did Heavenly Son last?

Nineteen and a half!

Professional accumulation, college entrance exam knowledge, perfect breakthrough for summer vacation, almost following the perfect improvement route, no leakage. So Tianzi source energy accumulates incredibly thick, when the source energy is quenched, perseverance time, is also very long.

War College History.

Except for some more special people, the longest record of source energy quenching is twenty minutes!

Heavenly Son, almost to record level!

At the beginning of the first two days of school, once caused a sensation, shocking many students and teachers of the War Academy, nineteen and a half points, representing the thick foundation and endless potential of the heavens!

And now.

Where's Su Hao?



Numerous sources can vibrate in the body.

Su Hao's body was transformed over and over again.

The source energy in his body, it's also quietly undergoing qualitative changes.

A little solidified, a little compressed, the source energy in Su Hao's body became a little different. And as time goes on, this little bit of special energy, it starts to expand, along the little starlight in the body, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger, until it covers the whole body!



Source Source Brush!

One minute!

Two minutes!

Three minutes!

Four minutes!

Five minutes!

went by in a flash.

Su Hao, the tattoo doesn't move, but the source of energy continues!