Godly Model Creator

Chapter 554: Resolve! (second!


Peiyang Jia's fat body was instantly bombarded into the glass of the window and hit hard on the clear glass at the edge of the floor. If it wasn't for the glass, I'm afraid it would have fallen.

“How dare you! ”

Peiyang Jia's screaming voice was echoing.


Origin energy vibration.

Peiyang Jia was all swollen up and his strength increased dramatically. He looked at Su Hao red-eyed. For a long time, no one dared to provoke him.

This fucking freshman!

“Go to hell! ”

Peiyang Jia punched down, the surrounding air was even compressed by this punch, this breath undoubtedly shows Peiyang Jia's strength.


However, Su Hao just grinned.

“Idiot! ”


Su Hao kicked him hard.

Peiyang Jia seemed to be a powerful source technology and was instantly smashed to pieces.

Su Hao punched him in the right hand, but he kicked the anti-theft glass directly off the balcony. He pulled Pei Yangjia's body and threw it directly off the balcony.


Cold wind formation.


Pei Yangjia grabbed the balcony railing with one hand.

At that point, his fat face finally became frightened, full of piercing chilliness, the wind blowing around him, and he woke up completely.

Su Hao!

You tried to kill him!

“Su Hao, you! ”

Peiyang Gabriel was furious and wanted to say something.


Su Hao stepped on his hand on the balcony, “What are you trying to say? ”

Peiyang Jiaton was a little frightened. He grabbed nervously, but he didn't even have a place to grab it. If Su Hao broke his hand...

The subconscious looked down and Peiyang Jia was cold.

68 layers!

Ten he didn't fall enough!

And what frightens him even more is that at this height, at this position, nobody notices this place, even if he dies, nobody will save him!

“Don't kill me... whoo--”

Pei Yangjia opened his mouth, but was plugged into his mouth by the wind blowing through him, and suddenly some words were plugged.

“That's right. ”

Su Hao cleaned him up with one hand.

Pei Yangjia lay on the ground breathing heavily, the feeling that made his heart palpitate just now... paralyzed, those guys above, didn't they say that this product was a new born? Didn't you say it was just a freshman from high school?! This means... this power...

New motherfucker!

“Pā pā! ”

Su Hao stretched his hand and patted his fat face. The cold light in his eyes blossomed. “Now, think clearly? ”

“Clear, clear. ”

Peiyang Jia nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, afraid to piss off the star again.

He has been Pei Yangjia for several years and has never seen anyone like him! Completed Ordinary War Academy students, although genius elsewhere, are here, just ordinary students! Credits are always a number of digits, and only before graduation, on trial, will you have the opportunity to become a double digit.

Gorgeous breakthrough, become professional!



This is a regular War Academy student.

And the geniuses?

After the War Academy, he was naturally accepted as an apprentice by various teachers, a strong backstage, naturally has better resources, who will come to him? Even if it's about resources, it's their teacher's words. Let people come and collect in bulk, who will come personally?

So, all these years.

The students he was dealing with were the ordinary War Academy students, and even if he graduated, it would be possible to break through professionalism.

In front of such a student, an old gas strip like him is easy to cope with.

And this time.

It was someone's favor to do it. All these years, he's used to it. However, he never thought that this newborn who came to collect resources would be so horrified by his power alone! And what's even scarier is that he dared to do it here!

Isn't he afraid of being fired?

“Su Hao, right? ”

Peiyang Jia wiped the sweat beads off her forehead, "I'll check. ”


Data retrieval complete.

After reading it, Pei Yangjia said carefully, “There are three people named Su Hao in the freshman life. I don't know what you are...”

“The first one. ”


After Peiyang Jiajia opened it, his face suddenly looked pale and snowy.

A row of blinding information appeared in front of him, looking at it at the first glance, he knew that he had been discarded! It only told him that it was a student who offended him. Su Hao never told him what the other student's identity was.


Strongest freshman!

The reward for daring to intercept this genius, even if it is successfully intercepted, he will not know how to die when it is found out in the future!


Peiyang Jia's hands and feet were cold.

At this point, he finally knew why the other side had no regard for identity. Because even if he finds out, it's definitely him!

“Those damn guys. ”

Peiyang Jia has a cold back.

“Did you find it? ”

Su Hao looked at him with keen interest.

By the time he saw the goods, he had understood that the so-called Pei Yangjia, was just a cannon ash, perhaps, but it just happened to want to change people.

“Think about it. ”

Peiyang Jia wipes the sweat, "According to the mission reward, you can choose a cultivation technique and energy technique suitable for your own cultivation, corresponding level. I'll take you to any source technology or cultivation technique you want. ”

“Common. ”

Su Hao lightly said three words.

“Common? ”

Peiyang Jia was stunned, but quickly reacted, “I'll check it out for you. ”

After a few minutes.

One layer of light popped up, countless common cultivation techniques and common source technology appeared on the light screen. Su Hao's eyes lit up. He couldn't help but snatch them away and soften Pei Yangjia's legs.

And Su Hao dared to be interested in...

These cultivation techniques and energy technologies are star rated!

The star rating shown in the hacker card is the same level. Su Hao took a look at some of the training techniques he had already completed. The cards in his mind are almost identical to the training techniques in the light screen. The introduction is almost identical to the star rating!

“Interesting. ”

Su Hao thought thoughtfully.

Is it true that the black card data system was extracted from here?

However, not long ago, Su Hao turned his attention to the light screen. The choice of energy technology was secondary. His main choice was common cultivation technique!

Two stars……


Four stars…

Five stars...

Su Hao once saw it.

Peiyang Jia cautiously cautioned beside him, “That what, normally, professional cultivation technique, corresponds, should be four stars. ”

Su Hao glanced at him and didn't say a word.

Of course he knows that.

When he was at the bottom of Lake Jinhua, he had already seen it once.

Four Star Card - Hurricane Origin Technique.

It's also the only person in that professionalism who has a common cultivation technique, and the other person's level of understanding is really low and pathetic.

Professional - corresponding to four-star cultivation technique.

A complete four-star cultivation technique is enough to allow a professionalization from the professional level to the domain level, only to reach a new level may a new cultivation technique be needed! Because at this stage, the amount of energy can only be added.

Only talent really influences breakthroughs!

Of course, to Su Hao, this kind of specialization practiced four-star cultivation technique, and practiced it directly to great success. There are even countless cases of three-star cultivation technique and two-star cultivation technique. I'm afraid it's truly unique!


Pick a 5-Star?

Su Hao thought about it and eventually abandoned this tempting thought.

The five-star cultivation technique not only represents an increase in energy, but also an increase in time and difficulty. In terms of value alone, the best thing for Su Hao at this stage is still the four-star cultivation technique.


Su Hao slapped the board on the spot and chose a four-star cultivation technique.

Mercury Origin Technique

A common cultivation technique similar to Hurricane Origin technique, worth a lot more than Hurricane Origin technique, which is a pretty good cultivation technique among the four stars.


Pei Yangjia cautiously said, "This can only be cultivated on its own. In the light screen of the current registration, it cannot be copied to others. If it is discovered by the school, it will be punished. ”

“Well, I know. ”

Su Hao nodded.

Peiyang was relieved, "You can also choose a source technique. ”

After that, without waiting for Su Hao to talk, he took the initiative to shield the cultivation technique and call out the choice of energy technology.


Su Hao sighed with regret.

Too bad...

So many cultivation techniques, you can only see, you can't take it!

The War Academy, indeed, is the most advanced institution in the entire Federation, and there are so many appalling resources here. But can these things really be cultivated in 20 years?

Su Hao's suspicious thoughts came together.

Quickly suppressed by himself!

Not listening!

Don't look!

No smell!

After yesterday's enlightenment, Su Hao's first feeling about this idea was repression! Now he, knowing too much is useless, has no help whatsoever to improve his own strength except to increase troubles, cause trouble, and reduce cultivation speed.


Su Hao's confusion was handled by a computer in his body, quickly packaged, compressed, encrypted, placed in the model world, in the corner of a computer, and turned into a hard disk data.

This is Su Hao's own setup.

When a doubt is discovered, Su Hao will add a setting and a level. That is, now, Su Hao thinks that when he reaches what strength, he can resolve these doubts. And this level, actually, is the password for this encrypted data.

When his strength reaches this level, reaches this level.


This data will remind him again.

Perhaps it is time to address these issues.

The same.

Su Hao's doubts about the world yesterday, about Su Tiancheng's doubts, about the faults in history, and so on, a lot of data was compressed and encrypted by Su Hao.

That way you can feel nothing!

“General Source Energy Techniques...”

Su Hao looked on the light screen.

had to marvel.

There are so many horrible energy tricks here!

Unlike cultivation techniques, generic source technologies are more widely applied, especially some special generic source technologies that are even necessary for everyone.

Su Hao took a look at it and immediately glanced at it.
