Godly Model Creator

Chapter 786 Sprint!

Su Family.

In the training room, a bottle of top-level source can restore the medicine to neat placement on the ground. The surrounding source can flash. Su Hao sat on his knees like an old monk. The tattoo does not move.

After a few seconds, the source energy around Su Hao faded away. He reached out and picked up a bottle of the source energy to recover the medicine and poured it down again.

Gu Gung.

The source is glorious!

After a few seconds, when the source darkened again, Su Hao drank another bottle. A bottle of the source in the room recovered the medicine and was dropping rapidly at an unimaginable rate. In just half a day, dozens of boxes of top-level energy recovery pills have been depleted, which is a month's consumption for all Su disciples!

“Are you sure the owner is a professional? ”

The Great Elder looked at Su Minghui next to him.

“I suppose so? ”

Su Minghui replied with some uncertainty.

Source energy restoration agents are not used for cultivation, but for restoration of source energy, primary correspondence basics, intermediate correspondence specialization, advanced correspondence professionalization, and top-level, only domainization can be used, otherwise flourishing source energy is simply unaffordable to others.

And now...

Gu Gung!

Su Hao poured another bottle.

The elders have also asked what the physical strengthening training route is, after all, although few, it is ultimately someone who takes this route. And because of the peculiarity of the body cultivation, it also leads to the early strengthening of the body, much stronger than the ordinary source.

However, even physical cultivation, most of it belongs to the source energy boost. The hierarchical route is in line with the average source. There is no other source energy like Su Hao.

Simply put.

Fundamentally, normal carnal cultivators are also subject to the federal requirements for source capacity points. Source capacity exceeding 20 points is qualified. Unfortunately, due to the special nature of source energy, Su Hao does not have a source energy in his body. The only assessment of talent for himself is carnal body!

General fundamentalization, 400 points of combat, 400 points of physical fitness, plus 200 points of theoretical foundation, plus 1000 points of physical talent boost to step into specialization.

And to Su Hao...

Only physical fitness!

His talent potential is unleashed, just recognize this one! This is also the reason why Su Hao was able to break through specialization with 2000 physical fitness points. However, because of this special judgment model, Su Hao was allowed to directly sweep all specialization when he first stepped into specialization!

2,000 to 2,999 points, when the professional rating exceeded 3,000 points, it also meant that Su Hao successfully stepped into professionalism.

A special professionalization.

“How long do you think it takes for a homeowner to step into professionalism? ”

Grand Elder suddenly spoke.

“Six months? ”

Su Minghui gave a rather frightening answer. Just entering the professionalization level, he intends to enter the professionalization within six months. I'm afraid people will think he's crazy. However, given Su Hao's previous progress, and the current pile of sources that can restore the medicine, Su Minghui decisively changed the answer, "One month! ”


Great Elder slightly shook his head.

“I don't think so. ”

Su Minghui was confident with Su Hao. “You watched a few boxes of energy to restore the medicine, and in conjunction with Su Hao's potential and talents, you can't kill into professionalism without trying it for a month. ”

“I mean, it won't take a month. ”

Big Elder's eyes flashed a smile, "I don't know what kind of conspiracy you two boys are playing, but if Su Hao dares to say so, within a week, he will definitely step into professionalism. ”

“A week? ”

Su Minghui was surprised.

He didn't expect, the elder looked after Su Hao better than he did, just, is it possible? Su Minghui looked at Su Hao, who was still carefully practicing, and crossed a great realm a week. This...

People think you're crazy, don't they?

Just as he was thinking about it, Su Hao gradually woke up from practice and looked at the source drug in the next place. He sighed. “So many source drugs, it's only 2,400 points. It's not enough! ”


As he stepped out, the floor was stepped out of another footprint. Su Hao glanced at it and was somewhat embarrassed. After each lift, there was a lack of control.

The practice room doesn't know how many footprints he stepped on.

“300 minutes? ”

Great Elder Frown.

In just two days, Su Hao flushed from 2,100 to 2,400 points, and he was purely physically fit. This degree of sensory progress is just the opposite of the sky! Under common weather, it is estimated that no physical practitioner can progress so quickly. But... the elders looked at the medicine bottle in the area and it was a little heartbreaking.

This is a month's worth of Su family resources!

A month's worth of resources in exchange for Su Hao's physical fitness of 300 points?

Low value for money!

“You are the head of the family. ”

The elders were sad and hidden in the second half, but they must have wanted to say that if they weren't the owners, it would have been such a waste of time to shoot you.


Su Hao coughed.

There must be a loss, 100 points of physical fitness is far from comparable, the harder it is to go back, and that is why the difficulty of practicing has increased geometrically! For Su Hao himself, there was no difficulty or bottleneck. The only thing he needed was energy!

Fortunately, he is now the head of the Su family. Otherwise, how can there be so many resources for cultivation?

Compared to the original model analysis, a little bit of resources were acquired to kill a blood path. Today, Su Hao's cultivation speed, like a rocket, is flying up.

Compared to the elder's dissatisfaction, Su Minghui was frightened. Two days and 300 minutes. Isn't a week really enough to kill into professionalism?

Resources or something...

Just kidding, he is also an A-level talent, but even if he is given endless resources, it will take him six months to fully professionalize.

“Again? ”

The elders' heartache was painful. For Su Hao's training, he raised his hands to support it.

“Go on!”

Su Hao said calmly.

On the fourth day, Su Hao's physical fitness reached 2,550 points. On the fifth day, Su Hao's physical fitness reached 2,700 points. On the fifth day, Su Hao's physical fitness reached 2,850 points. On the sixth day, Su Hao's physical fitness reached bottlenecks.


Test complete.

A 2999 minute hanging light screen.

Six days, Su Hao went from a professional level to today's peak level! Su Hao accomplished this incredible achievement by adding a terrible talent boost supplemented by the endless resources of the Su family.

“Pervert. ”

This is the elders' assessment of Su Hao after they learned about it.

When Su Hao reached 2,999, it seemed that the practice could not be broken. Looks like he was caught in a so-called training bottleneck.

“Specialization breaks through professionalism and requires evolutionary energy. Looks like you're going to have to practice for a while. ”

Elder brows slightly wrinkled.


After Su Hao carefully realized it, he revealed a strange color on his face. "The incarnation energy refers to the integration of talent and body, and the potential release was completed when it first appeared. The professional indicator of incarnate energy, for me, is non-existent. If I break through, the only thing I need is one. ”

The elder looked ugly. “Is it...”

“Origin Energy! ”

Su Hao stared.

The corporeal body breaks through, and every time it reaches a bottleneck, it is bound to change. Flesh strength multiplies directly, from basics to professionalism to professionalism, all qualitative shifts. 2999 points versus 3000 points is never a concept. And the so-called bottleneck is actually the source of energy needed to complete transformation.

It's just that 2,100 to 2,999 minutes of cultivated energy makes the elders' faces green. What about this transformation?

“It's gone, gone. ”

The elder shook his head painfully, "The family resources are overspent. The owner of the family, you practiced for six days, you can reach the other Su family disciples a hundred times! This gift is a pit man, the bigger family can't sustain such a drain. ”

“Uh, just once. ”

Su Hao was helpless.

“No, the source is not, damn it. ”

Great Elders simply played bareback.

Su Hao sighed, knowing that the vast amount of resources that he wanted to break through from the elders' hands this time was no longer working. However, this is not the only way to break through. Su Hao sensed the process of energy recovery and cultivation. He turned his eyes and looked at the elders again with a lot of laughter.

“Grand Elder, I have a way to make a breakthrough without consuming family resources, but this requires the support of your elders. ”

said with a smile.


The elders will believe and doubt, "If you don't waste resources, I absolutely support it. ”

“Of course.”

Su Hao laughed very happily, causing Su Minghui next door to catch a chill. According to his understanding of Su Hao during this time, this is the kind of smile he smiled when he was in the crater.

That night, cultivation room.

Everyone in the Great Elder vein came here and sat on their knees. The lowest among the elders was also the absolute realm. At this time, they were all surrounded by Su Hao, showing a strange divine color on his face.

“Is this really gonna work? ”

Great Elders are uncertain.

“Try it, it doesn't waste resources anyway. ”

Su Hao grinned.


The elders nodded and looked at the elders, "Ready, wait to transfer the energy in the way the owners said to help the owners break through. ”


The elders said that such an easy way to break through can help the homeowners break through without wasting any resources, and they naturally rejoice.

“Then come on. ”

Su Hao took a deep breath.


Potential Release Open!


The elders made their first move, and the rest of them followed. Soon, Su Hao was the center, and all the elders around him actually formed a circle, and the halo sparkled, surrounding Su Hao.

Inside the circle, the source of energy flourished and let Su Hao absorb it!

Su Minghui looked at the dark tongue. Su Hao actually let the elders create an artificial "top practice room”! The thickness of this source of energy is much stronger than the top-level source of recovery. In this case, Su Hao's body was not damaged at all, as if it were a huge black hole.

Whatever your source of energy, absorb it all.


Su Hao was surrounded by a fire stove.

The endless source of energy burned to create a stunning and magnificent scene. Su Hao sat on his knees like a thousand hammers in endless glow.

PS: At the invitation of a bookmate, the author took a walk around the bar and immediately felt that he could no longer play happily. _ Nima, let's forget about a super weirdo. I want to know what super intellectuals, super divine breakers, super smashers, super divine haughty artists, super bell ringers are up to.

Goddamn it, are they rebelling?

No Kaisen o

Moon ticket consolation!