Godly Model Creator

Chapter 798 Shadowless Needle


Smashed talent was impossible to recover. Even though globalization was impossible, Su Hao did not feel that his poor strength could work.

But there is still a line of life here.

That is breaking through the realm, the false crushing of the energy talent! The crushing of that time was to concentrate on the realm, to transform talent into the realm! To be precise, professionalizing into a domainized city is merely a way of exchanging energy talents.

Turn a fictional gift into a real existence!

That is why domainization is so powerful.

It is also only in such cases that the energy gift has such a linear possibility of recovery. No, no, even crushing at breakthrough can't be restored, it has only one chance - the cohesion field!

“Is this the case with my source talent? ”

Su Hao thought it was very likely.

Is he qualified to break through the realm?


How was Su Hao's strength before he was abandoned?

Absolute Regret! Even in the face of its own realm, it can withstand the wind, besides the peak of realmization, it can almost sweep realmization across! In Plateau City, at the height of his professionalism, he seized the opportunity to make a breakthrough, only to be abandoned.


“Being weighed down by the heavenly rule, he made his own breakthrough, but because the rule was too powerful, he pushed everything down. But since the breakthrough has begun, so the smashing of talent is taken for granted, so the talent is not really destroyed, but the sham smashing during the breakthrough? ”

Su Hao was excited.

The more he thinks, the more likely it is.

“In other words - am I still in the process of breaking through? ”

Su Hao had some ridiculous thoughts.

In other words —— the talent of model analysis is fragmented, immersed in itself, waiting for the moment when the realm is successful?

There is no doubt that talent is the domain.

Just another way.

So as long as you continue to make your breakthroughs, become domainized, model analytics, temporary model worlds, even heaven, everything will return?

No, not just back!

This is a realm breakthrough!

Su Hao thought about it.

By that time, nature must be stronger than before, not knowing how many times, even the temporary model world, heaven, is stronger than ever, even will congeal its own domain, become truly domesticated, battle power surge! Su Hao rejoiced.

However, just for a moment, Su Hao reacted.


That's the third question.

Seems easy, just complete the domainized breakthrough. But... how can it be done, how can there be such a strange situation in the world? At the moment of the breakthrough, it was bombarded by the force of the rules. Even though the breakthrough was terminated, did you succeed in surviving?

Do you?

Not at all!

Su Hao can be sure that he is the only one.

First of all, the opportunity for this breakthrough was so amazing that even Su Hao himself did not know that he might not have noticed the special circumstances of this model analysis. Another, normal people are attacked by the force of the rules, only one dead word! No more life! Where's the chance?

And him?

All the way out!

I can't believe it took so long!

This is the special place.

And the bigger problem is -- Su Hao sensed a little energy in his body, zero! Even though he is now recovering, his body still has zero source energy, erasing all possibilities of his breakthrough, without the existence of energy, how can he continue to practice model analysis? How?

“Can't you? ”

Su Hao was a little distracted.

We just got here. We just lost hope?

Su Hao was absolutely unhappy.

Simple use of model analysis is definitely not possible!

What he wants is that the real regression of model analysis is the regression of heaven and even the temporary model world, so long as model analysis is the real model analysis! Only then will heaven, and even those in heaven who have fallen and slept, have such a chance.

Never give up! Make sure you figure it out!

Su Hao's eyes flashed with light.

If the breakthrough continues to fail, there may be a compromise solution. Su Hao sensed a sleeping model analysis, and today's potential release is thoughtful. Since model analysis cannot break through the realm, is it feasible to unlock this talent?

Su Hao's idea was simple.

Break through!

Potential Release Breakthrough!

In the moment of breakthrough, in the moment of achievement domainization, lead the model analysis, complete the unfinished breakthrough, become an incredible double domain!

Is that possible?

It works!

Breakthroughs in model analysis have just begun. If you lead when potential breakthroughs are released, there will be a special breath when breakthroughs occur, which will drive talents in the body to make breakthroughs. At that time, sleeping model analysis will also be led by this force to condense.

Achievement Domain!

It's all the same as a normal breakthrough.

However, someone else broke through one, while Su Hao broke through only two.

It works!

Su Hao affirmed once again.

After thinking about it, Su Hao was excited and difficult to restrain himself. If he really succeeded... First of all, Heaven returned to normal! And then, it's a huge increase in its own fighting power, just kidding, that's a double A talent, two top talents!

Su Hao will be the only two-talented person because of his previous difficult situation!

And it's a double A, besides the S-level of the eggs, it's already hard to compare the top talent! And after the breakthrough, it's the Double A domain!

One is, control invincible.

Source aids, almost dominating the whole world, all skills are mastery of the whole world, that's why he led Li Xin, Zhou Wang, and all of them to master their energy skills, take control of the game, and bring everyone into his rhythm.

Another, invincible flesh.

Supported by horrific energy sources and the impact of the Su family's massive energy sources, he had the strength to confront the absolute realm in just a few months. Though the overall strength distance was quite a bit before it was obsolete, it was quite counterproductive for practitioners.

If these two erupt together...

Su Hao's eyes lit up!

The strength of model analysis lies in mastery, in manipulation of the whole situation, but Su Hao's own weak fighting power is an incontrovertible fact, so every time, he can only take it wisely and use various ways to pit it! But in the face of an enemy that has no plot whatsoever, he has no choice but to die!


If model analysis were combined with potential release, Su Hao's only defect would be remedied. Imagine, if he had previously, been a potential release, and his flesh had reached the level of confrontation with the realm of his life, even if he could not fight, he would have absolutely no problem escaping!

Strong flesh brings not only strength, but speed!

The speed at which ordinary people can't capture!

I can't fight, I can't run?

As you can imagine, if the two could live together in harmony, Su Hao's strength would climb at an unimaginable speed and create miracles again!

The future is beautiful.

Bread will, everything will.

Su Hao encouraged himself.

Again analyzing all the problems, the three issues, the rings are connected. Only when these three possibilities are fully established can we be so viable. In any case, Su Hao does not want to give up. And after a thorough analysis, he could grow infinitely on the front line!

Make it real!

99% and 1%?

probability problem.

No, no, no.

For those who succeed, that's 100%, even if it's a 1% chance, he succeeds 100%! And for a loser, even if it's a 99% chance, he fails, and for him, the success rate is 0%! There is no chance of this, only results.

Success and failure!

So, what do we do?

It's simple. Go prove it!

After analyzing the results, the rest of Su Hao is to confirm. For him, there's only one goal left, and that's ——


Become Domain!

Everything else can only be considered once it has become domain!

“So... the goal is clear, right? ”

Su Hao cut a slight curve at the corner of his mouth.

For the first time since the model analysis was destroyed, he had this feeling of struggling for purpose and hope!

This feeling of hope, that's good.

But is this the chance you're giving up now?

It seemed like a long time to think about the problem, but it was just in Su Hao's mind that the human brain was too complicated to turn thousands of thoughts in a second. Those thoughts didn't actually occupy Su Hao's time. In reality, he was still accepting the glory of the bell.


Realm Spirit: Unnamed

Level: Perfect

Introduction: With the force of the new rule, concentrate the spirit of the realm, the needle shape visualizes objects, the speed power can be increased tenfold, and the piercing power can be increased tenfold.


What's your name?

A torrential pear blossom needle? Daisy needle? Just kidding, we're such pure people... Besides, it's just a name, ah, right, let's call it an intangible silver needle. It's both simple and ordinary and very visual. Intangible means it's fast, invisible, and has no slots.


Invisible silver needle?


No sex needles?

Think about fighting the enemy later.

“No sex needle? You're Su Hao! ”

Good eggs hurt!

Wait, why do I have to think so many strange questions? Oh, really, have you been with Li Xin for too long? Or have you been with Zhou Wang too long? Does this attribute of arrogance and comedy really convey? Forget it, just call it Shadow Needle!

Although Su Hao used this word, Su Hao's heart was a little weak, but Su Zhengwen's product dared to call Zhen Tianzhen, why can't we call it a needle?


It was such a pleasant decision.

Su Hao slapped the board on the spot.


“Name Successful! ”


World Spirit: Shadowless Needle

Level: Perfect

Introduction: With the force of the new rule, concentrate the spirit of the realm, the needle shape visualizes objects, the speed power can be increased tenfold, and the piercing power can be increased tenfold.
