Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 358 I may have to kill a few people

Cai Xiulu went to see his daughter.

Li Xiaoman nodded.

Cai Xiulian was excited. Her son-in-law is the dean of the martial arts, what else is she still?

In the future, Yang Xin is not her told that she has imagined that the county magistrate sees her to respect her.

Feng Tianhai and the leader of the leader looked at each other, and then broke out the sky laughed.

Those black people are also laughing.

Those people in the ward were stunned, and they sighed. It was originally thought that they came to an official second-generation, and they can pack them, but they did not expect it to be a mental patient.

How old are you? Has a year? The dean of the Dongshan martial arts? Funny?

You have to say that your father is the dean, they will be taboo, you are told you yourself, you tell this, do you believe it?

Feng Tianhai gave the Wang Captain, a look, and the Wang Director suddenly, "this person pretended to be a country | household public staff, caught."

"Yes!" The people of the relevant departments rushed over.

"Kid, are you a bundle? Is it a hard?"

"I advise you still think about it in action." Li Zhen looked at these people, and his heart sighed, the opportunity, he had gave it, but these people didn't cherish it.

"Hahaha, captain, this kid is teaching us how to be people." Some people were exaggerated. "

"In this case, then you also teach him how to be a person, he is still young, there is no good evaluation standard for this society, it is needed to go to support, this time, you must not hesitate to stand out. "

The team leader unrescanded.

The two people came over with Li Zhen.

"Hey, the chance I have already given you, how do you don't cherish it?" Li Zhen once again sigh.

Those people in the relevant departments have heard a little, and then laughed.

The captain of the Wang Dynasty was broken to Tianhai, and the knee in Feng Tianhai was broken, but he was not ordinary people. It was a one-piece military person. This pain can also hold.

Seeing the people of the relevant departments shot, those black people will stand up.

At the next moment, the entire ward suddenly appeared a horrible to extreme momentum.


The scream of a sound, the black people who stand up will come back.

The two people who came over from the departments have not been close to the ground.

Everyone is panicked to look at Li Zhen.

How can this be?

How can this horrible momentum that may be from this young?

The whole audience is dead.

The black man is like a pot of cold water, and the face is not seen. It is a horror that is shocked by a face. It is a horrible force.

"Hey, Uncle, I am in Yang Xin, I may have to kill a few people here, you give it a handle." Li Zhen made a phone call.

There is a madman there, saying that I said stickers: "I said that the kid, in Dongshan City, where do you go?"

In the heart, in the dark MMP, who is so do not long, causing this small babard.

Li Zhen told the Ribo madman in the phone, and the iron madman was angry directly. "Just, this is sent to a director. Is there anything, let him contact him, let him handle it, a small child? No need to scruple, your back is the whole country | home. "

"Let's put down your mobile!" At this time, a feeling of being stared by the poisonous snake, Li Zhen looked up, and only saw the Wang Captain had taken his hand to align the eyebrows of Li Zhen.