Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 419, Li Dean

Wu Jigang only has a distance of only three meters from Li Zhen, and the Li Zhen in this bullet takes only 0.02 seconds.

Wu Gang immediately opened the second branch of Li Xiaoman, Li Zhen they killed.

Li Zhenyan pore micro contraction.

Wu Gang really opened, in this electro-light, he put Li Xiaoman into his arms.

A bullet is in the back of his back, and there is a sudden sound, and the other bullet brushed Li Zhen to the Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu is shocked, and the beauty is rolling, just at this time, one hand has been guilty, and I caught the bullet, but I didn't make any sound.

The field is full.

Everyone looked at Li Zhen.

How can some people who are shot in such a near distance?

And the first bullet, this teenager in front of him is directly using the body hard to resist?

This teenager is a four-piece strong?

Looking at Li Zhen, Wu Gang's forehead took out a cold sweat, and his heart was mad.

"I give you a father, but I have given you a chance, but I didn't expect you to cherish you so much."

Li Zhen will take Li Xiaoman's willow, step by step, step toward Wu Gang.

Wu Jang saw Li Zhen to come over, she was shocked, Li Zhen is so young, how can I harden my bullets, this is still a person?

"You don't have to come over, you will come over again." Wu Gang handshed, and again aligned Li Zhen.

"If I want you, let's put down the thing. Do you feel that what is it for me?" Li Zhen didn't expect Wu Gangzhen to open, and his eyes have blinkled cold. He smashed these official second generation for life. .

Wu Gang crashed completely.

At this time, he lost reason, and the hand in his hand could not bring him a touch of comfort.

In a panic, the finger waved the trigger.

A few fire tongues were taken again.

Li Zheng, a shadow flashed, he came to Wu Gang's body, Wu Gang was shocked, "" sat on the ground, Li Zhenju looked at Wu Gang.

"Don't kill me!" Wu Gang cried, helpless as a three-year-old child.

"Li's hand is in hand!" The Wu Dam in the side finally slowed down, hurried to his son, and squatting against Li Zhenhao did not hesitate.

"Li Dean !?" "Fangjia family three, exciting with the sound.

Everyone is stunned to Li Zhen, it is, the same young, in this age can be cultivated, and two in the world may appear simultaneously.

Cai Xiulian's poor woman is the big figure in the mouth of Wu Director?

Wu Meijia did not dare to pay attention to Li Zhen, this is not true.

And Fang Yan is beautiful, and it is full of embarrassment to the eyes of Li Xiaoman.

Especially Wu Gang, he recently mentioned Li Feng, from time to time, he has already heard of the old man, but how can Li, how can Li, how can the teenager in front of you?

He can't believe that it is more reluctant to believe that if this teenager is really Li Dean, then what the previous performance is not a clown performance?

Wu Gang angry, angry and even forgot that he should be fear at this time.

"You deliberately play me!" Wu Gang stood up, and his hand was again aligned with Li Xiaoman.

All this is because of this vicious woman in front of you.

"Let's go!" Li Zhan angry, no longer considering Wu Zhengkai's face, everyone only felt the shadow, heard a sulf, Wu Gang arm, the whole person flew out.