Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 891, a sword, one teacher

I was thinking, in the empty, a burst of bursts.

From Li Jiafei, more than a dozen masters will be surrounded by Li Zhen.

These people looked coldly at Li Zhen, and his eyes were free.

"You are Li Zhen!"

I found that the faint knowledge of the surrounding love fluctuated, I know that someone is here, the face of the head is not more ugly.


Li Zhen asked faintly.

The multi-treasure people have already known it before, and when he just came, Li Jia people attitude was a bit wrong.

Today, Li Jia's ten masters, Li Zhen finally determined that Li Jia did not think about it.

Although I don't know what Li Jia is doing, it is absolutely not a good thing.

"Xiaoyu? What is the child? We don't know what you are talking about!"

Sure enough, the person is open, and this matter will be denyed.

After all, it is a long way to say peace. Li Zhen wants to open the mouth: "Duobao is long, let me come!"

A Master of Li Jia was angry, "Rolling, I don't know what Duobao Road long, give you five times time, no longer roll, you stay here!"

Chatting is like this, Li Zhen feels that there is no need to talk!

Reach your hand, the red sword appeared, the gods of the gods shook all the Kyushu.

"This is ... nine artifacts!"

A generic master of Li Jia saw this red sword, and his face was full of greed, and he couldn't help it.

"Kid, I was stolen, I have been looking for these days. It turned out to be you stolen. I stole my Li Jia's god sword. I dare to appear in front of us. Yao Wuyang, you are looking for death!"

When this mascher opened, he gave Li Zhen arranged a crime, and it was a killing, obvious, and he wanted to cause Li Zhen to die.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Li Zhen said faintly, but familiar with Li Zhen, he can hear it, he is anger.

"Just kill you, how can you?"

However, it is a martial artist who has cultivated in the martial arts, and the fault is limited, and the strength is limited.

"You admit it!"

Li Zhen smiled.

"Not good, Li Jia is a monk!" There is a master anger, you want to appear.

"No, Li Zhenneng is handled, kill a few, they are old, I want to know that Lao Li know, and what?"

"These years, because Lao Li's injuries, Qi Qi may not manage Li Jia, Li Jia is more and more excessive."

In the empty, the owner said faintly.

These words have passed into the ear of Li Zhen.


Next, Li Zhenyi is drawn, and a huge crack is suddenly presented.

On the other side of the crack, it seems to have any blow, through the crack, you can see the spatial space.

"not good!"

The murderer of the killing of Li Jia is large, and the figure is very fast. I want to get rid of Li Zhen's sword.

However, at this time, a horrible spiritual force suddenly took him completely.

The expression on his face also retains the previous .

The red sword passed through his neck, and blood instantly splashed out.


Among the void, there are seven avenues instantly collapsed, and the blood sprinkled air.

One of the masters who have realized the seven avenues are so beaten.

Almost the moment of instant, the battle begins, and the end is more abrupt.

The radumite, the people have not reacted, and the battle is over.