Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-five chapters go back, broken

"Jian Wen Emperor, Zhu Yun Hao?"

Li Zhen suddenly looked at that young man, is this the mysterious disappearance of Zhou?

At this time, the young people are taking force and those who are more than those who have seen it. Zhu Yun's strength is high, but the actual ability, Li Zhen shouted, and really did not bother.

"Kid, you are flowing on the blood of my planet, so we can believe that there is only you."

When it comes, the eyes of the national teacher suddenly become easier.

"The way home is broken, we are hard to find the Tiangong, but it has found that the powerful Tiangong has become this."

"Kid, now I will only give you it."

"With him to find the way home, we ... is not enough!"

I heard the words, Li Zhen's brow wrinkled: "National teacher, go home, why do you come here?"

Zhang Junbao, he really can't call it. These two people are strict, it is already another person, one is the resurrection of Zhang Junbao's residual soul, and the other is Zhang Junbao's flesh resurrection, and cannot represent real Zhang Junbao.

"We came here through the star air road, but some stars have been swallowed by black holes. If you want to go back, you can only swim in space."

"In the space, the hurricane is infinite, the void crack is more common, there is no strength of the level of Tianzun," will not be able to do it. "

The masters explained.


Li Zhen's heart is in the heart, you need to go home, need to be the level of the level of Tianzun?

Even if Li Zhen has the system like the system, it is not necessary to ensure that you can practice it.

If you do this, don't you go back?

But I don't know, at this moment, Chen Meisheng is completely dull.

Li Zhen is not the human human human?

But from a very distant starry sky?

Also, what is the meaning of this old man just, they flow on the blood of ancient Yellow?

"National teacher, the map of the star air road is still there?"

Li Zhen asked.

One waved in the general, a small wooden box appeared, after Li Zhen opened, just saw a jade staying inside.

"This is the memory jade, put it on your forehead, you can see the content inside the jade!"

The general said faintly.

Li Zhen quickly passed the forehead, the next moment, a stars appeared in front of him, in a couple of nearsnet, there was a touch of line to connect these nebulars together, but some lines have been disconnected. .

And where the disconnected place is a huge black hole.

Li Zhen went to the direction of the black hole, could not help but frown, no wonder Zhang Junbao felt noble, the black hole covers all the nearsess around, and is slowly swallowing.

Not only that, people want to shuttle during the nearsnet, the body's power must be strong, and here, the horrible force of the black hole is undoubtedly difficult to make the difficulty.

At this time, Zhu Yizhen has completely falls into the wind.

Losing is late or later.

But his play is very tough, even if it falls on the wind, play is still very tough, as if he has been in the position of attack.

History books, the Emperor Ming Dynasty is a good Han, and now it is true.

At the very least, when Xiang Yu saw Zhu Yun's look, it was the color of the eyes.

"Forget it, I will shoot!"

Li Zhenkou, these wastelanders can be an evolutionary point!