Rock long stretched fluffy blonde hair on her back and walk down the hallway in the castle. Neither the back, which is more than ten centimetres below average because of exotic blood flow, nor the rare gray eyes in this country are much liked in the castle.
Although no one speaks ill directly to Aria, the last daughter of the king, I know that much because I have long been turned to curiosity. I think the teaching of my ancestors that the eyes say things as much as the mouth shoots very well.
"I don't want to!
When I entered my father's study, I heard one older sister - Aria shrugged her shoulders small to Lilianne's voice. Oban, the father king, realizing the door had opened, would make the call, so he proceeded to his feet towards you.
"Good morning, Father. I wanted to call you..."
"It's Aria. How old are you this year?"
"Is that me? I turned fifteen last month."
"You did..."
Seeing Auban say something in his mouth, Lillianne coughs up without even hiding her frustration.
"Father! Please get down to business!
"Don't rush it like that. I know.... Aria, you know the story of the friendship alliance with your neighbor?
"Yes, because I've been hanging up on that story for a long time now. It must be a country of sorts called the werewolves, right? That's what beasts are like."
"Oh. Exactly.... Aria. I'm sorry about the sudden, but could you marry the second prince over there?
"Am I? But..."
I wonder how Lillianne looks with her arms in a grumpy mood. My sister, more than ten centimeters taller than Aria, stared at Aria with a tough voice, "What?"
"No...... Are you sure it's me?
Ask Auban back in sight. It was supposed to be Lillianne who was to form an alliance of friendship with her neighbor and marry his country. Because you should be able to make the most of it - for that reason.
"No, nothing. You're all I have left. If Lillianne doesn't like it, she'll waste her time."
"There's not much of a way to say that! Even the other sisters didn't like it! I can't believe I married other people early and ran away, even using a sloppy method!
"They're all important marriages. A small country like ours would have to do otherwise."
"Anyway! I don't like marrying beasts! If you want me to marry you, bring someone with better conditions!
"... and that's what I'm saying. Aria, you're the only one left. I'm sorry, but could you marry me instead of Lillianne?
Aria thought for a second and then snorted. In the castle, often treated with evil, my father was one of the few to be on my side. Because his father is in trouble like this, there's no way he can say no. Besides...
"When it comes to werewolves, they must still be fuzzy and fuzzy, right?
Let your eyes shine and ask. Aria likes animals. I especially like fuzzy hairy creatures. I don't know about wolves because I've never seen them, but according to what I've heard, they're very similar creatures to dogs. Hope is, I'm glad he's a big dog with long hairy legs. The golden retriever is good, but it would be even better if the fuzz like Samoed, which the messenger had taken from a distant country, were also in this condition. Dreaming of a future husband he hasn't seen yet, Aria breaks her face.
"... No, it's either disappointing or mucky -"
"Father! That's what Aria cares about, so don't say anything extra!
I get Lillianne's flat handed and my father raises his crushed voice.
"Yes, Aria. The prince on the other side is a fuzzy, fuzzy prince, and he seems to have a great layer of fur!
"Will you let me get hairy when we get married?
"We're going to be a couple. You've decided to let me do that!
Aria thinks of herself brushing a big, furry dog, even in her head. Aria is definitely a doggist because of the effects of having a dog at an early age.
"... OK, Father. I will marry my neighbour."
"Are you sure?
"Yes! I will try to fully indulge in my muffled newlyweds!
"Oh, um no, so either disappointed Mukim - heb!?"
"Well said, Aria! You're gonna enjoy your honeymoon till my minute!
"Thank you.... Oh? Father, isn't your neck bent to the weird one?
"Your father's fine because he's sturdy. If you were to marry a neighbor more than that, you'd have plenty to prepare for, wouldn't you? I'll lend you a special needle so we can talk about your wedding costume over there."
Lillianne pulls my arm and takes me out of the room. I was concerned about Auban, who was acting strange, but as Lillianne said, my father has always been quite tough. I'm sure he'll have a rough face if it's tomorrow. When I put my face back in front, which was pointed at the closed door, I see Lillianne's back, pulling Aria's arm and walking all the way.
"Aria, I'll tell you something good."
"A good thing?
"The werewolves flourish only once a month."
She twisted her neck thinking she was going to serve it, but Lillianne can't wait for Aria to understand. Just as Aria's legs keep going down the hallway, so does the conversation.
"So if you just put up with it once a month, you'll be fine on other days"
"Okay? You don't have to resist badly and get hurt. You just have to eat it all you want."
I held my breath for a moment for words that sounded horrible. Now I realize that I may have made a terrible decision.
"The werewolves... eat people?
"Huh? Say what..."
Lillianne, turning around with a strange face, laughs small when she realizes Aria blues her face. Lillianne laughs with great pleasure when she sees Aria in trouble and fright for a long time. That hasn't changed since I grew up.
"That's right. Because that's the" marriage "over there. Otherwise, you wouldn't have married."
"Oh no..."
"But yeah...... Maybe the prince over there won't be able to move his forefinger on a penis like you."
"You don't have to eat it?
"Maybe, yeah. But you shouldn't. Because this is a marriage between nations. If you don't want to eat you over there, you have to go eat from yourself."
"But I'm afraid of that."
"It's okay. Just be patient and it'll all be over soon."
"Really? Doesn't it hurt?
"You must have pain. The beast's" That's why they're going in... "
"I don't like pain. Talk to your father once...... Huh!?"
Grabbing his arm, he puts a lot of effort into his hand and stops breathing again at the pain.
"Aria, you're the one who said she was going to marry you over there. We can't just undo it now."
"Sister, I"
"And once a month, you just have to put up with it, and then you just have to indulge in the furrows and whiskers of your thoughts. You like hairy, don't you?
Aria's heart briefly leaned from fear to curiosity. It's not a very distressing personality at first. Once a month, if I put up with a bit of pain, I would pretend that I have a happy life ahead of me, so I snorted without even thinking about it.
"What is the prince's dog breed? I'm glad it's a long-haired species... but isn't there any information in it for your sister?
"The prince and I were sent a picture, but I threw it away without looking. I hate big, hairy men."
"Well, that's a waste. I would decorate your room and watch all the time."
"A dog prince is a good fit for a penis like you."
"I can't believe you look great."
"Though I think you should be ashamed of that unfortunate thought circuit."
Aria laughs back as Lillianne raises her mouth angle ridiculously. It is rare that she is in such a good mood with intense emotional ups and downs and hysterics.
Maybe it's a good day.
Even Aria is once the "princess" of this country, even though she says it hurts once a month. You won't even be able to be so abusive to the "princess" you keep from your allies. Satisfied with his own thoughts, nodding yeah.
"Come quickly, if you haven't already!
"Oh, excuse me, sister!
He rushes after Lillianne, who begins to speak tall.
"He's the prince of the dog. I'm sure you'll need some grooming. If you relax like that, you're gonna be in a lot of trouble swinging around, so be careful."
"Yes. Sister"
Aria and the others who were born and raised in uninhabited land of wolves did not have the distinction between "wolves" and "dogs."