Life in New Heaven and Earth is largely comfortable. I woke up flat with a rooster chirping. Aria jumps out of bed and takes off Negrije. The oversized closet holds many brilliant dresses filled with brilliance that I have brought from my own country. But none of it was taken out by Aria, and the clothes she had prepared since she came to this country.
Pair the sleeve fluffy white blouse with a dark blue skirt braided with strings from waist to chest. It's called a jumper skirt. That's the first time I've seen it in this country. I like it a lot because it's simple to make and easy to move around.
Siegfried probably prefers to have her hair up. So wake up just a little early today and put your hair together in front of the mirror. I don't know the fashion in this country, so I made a hairstyle that Siegfried did to me before, just put it together in the back of my head easily.
Unlike the country where Aria grew up, this country doesn't seem so bored with courtesy. Probably because there is no such thing as a common "nobility". Their rank, which seems to be rooted military temperament, is apparently determined by their physical contribution.
Where did you get your hands on it or how far did you go in the martial arts? That sort of thing sets the sequence. Higher parental status will not affect the child's generation, he said.
I am not saying that there are no problems with that system at all. But for Aria, who has always lived tied to her birth class, this country is very breathable.
Of all those countries, the royal family is the only exception. Do they inherit the nature of an intense race among the werewolves?
"Though Siegfried and his father-in-law aren't very upset for that..."
Blood intensity and good physique may have nothing to do with it. With that in mind, check in the mirror for anything strange.
Bright white skin conceded by my mother, lightly colored blonde hair, extremely gray eyes. The body, which is too thin in pigments, appears somewhere heterogeneous and rises from its surroundings. I thought wearing dark colored clothes would offset it, but apparently it was counterproductive.
"I figured maybe the water color would have been better..."
Spread your skirt in front of the mirror and exhale in discouragement. Besides, the problem is not just the shades. From the top of the blouse, gently add both hands to the slight swell.
Siegfried said Aria would not officially marry until she was "big." Apart from Siegfried's bedroom, the bedroom provided is still awake by itself.
"When you grow up, how long? I can do about the valley once I get there..."
Hard work gathers soft meat and mirrors the slightly occurring valleys. I wonder how I can keep it fixed. Apparently women in this country don't basically use corsets. With a muscular, supple body, you don't have to tighten it from the outside.
But Aria wants the valley. If possible, now. Siegfried often lifts Aria's body. Not yet when it's carried in a side-by-side hug. But the height of his gaze becomes very close to Aria's chest, such as when he is held with one hand. Whenever I'm held up, it's always clear to me that I'm discouraging you to the chest too cautiously.
Aria, who had managed to make a leap to secure the chest she had gathered, was suddenly surprised enough that the door was knocked and jumped up. He leaves the side of the mirror in a hurry and opens the door with momentum.
"Morning, Aria. Were you ready yet?
"Dear Siegfried,... No, I'm fine. What's going on? So soon."
"Sieg's fine."
"My name, it's a long time, isn't it? Like I was calling you yesterday in the garden, Sieg and good."
That's it, Siegfried thinks. Then I broke my face all the time and started talking as if I had come up with something very good.
"No, you're not. Sieg is good. It's a special way to call Aria alone."
"Just me, special..."
Taste the thought of your chest shrinking with cucumbers in words that sound sweet. I panicked with both hands and held my chest down, saying it was hard to shrink any further.
"I'll give you this, too, specially"
"What is it?
"Give Aria a Gift"
"I think I've been putting my hair together lately, so I thought I'd use it."
"Thank you......!
Put the embroidered dark blue ribbon in front of you and dye your cheeks. I felt softly restless, alternating between the mirror in the room and the ribbon in my hand.
"Um, can I put this on?
I can't stand it anymore and when I ask, they laugh at me dull.
"Fine. I'll do it for you."
The blue ribbon then slips and falls into Siegfried's hands. Siegfried, wrapped with ribbons around the roots of his familiar, hand-bound hair, sought to be satisfied with his performance. I hold Aria up just like that, and I drop my mouth on my forehead.
"Yeah. It looks good on you. I thought it was the right color for Aria."
You're just the same color as today's clothes. If they laugh at me, I'm not going to be able to wear anything other than these anymore. He is transported to Siegfried while his hands hide the unsuccessful chest of the valley.
"My brother came back last night."
"Dear Sieg's brother?
"Yeah. It's so unusual for that guy to be here, so I wanted to introduce you to Aria right now.... okay?
"Yes, I don't mind"
"Because I'm supposed to be waiting in my breakfast seat... no, it's about my brother, so I'm sure he's eating first without waiting. My brother is just like my father, he's a little... No, he's a lot insensitive and he has a bad mouth. I'm not a bad person. So even if you say something weird, don't worry about it."
"You're close to your brother-in-law."
"Really? I think it's normal. Same goes for my brother, but all my brothers are restless, so I'm not really in the castle."
"And Master Sieg?
"I'm the only Indochist in the family. We don't go away very often."
"But you picked me up"
"Yeah. 'Cause I missed my pretty daughter-in-law early."
Siegfried is laughing, but I wonder if her fiancée, who went out of her way to pick her up, was a chestless woman, like Aria, and disappointed. I knew I wanted to get a splendid valley as soon as possible to reward him for his sincerity.
"Dear Sieg. Me, good luck and you'll grow up fast!
"What's the matter, suddenly?
"I renewed my resolve."
"Then I, too, need to try not to be shaken by the grown aria"
If he thought Siegfried had stopped, he'd have followed him to the dining room at some point. I hear a deliberate cough, and we both turn our faces to you.
"Don't show it off too much in the morning. What would you do if you hurt your chest?"
A man with such a loud voice was stopping his meal hand and pointing the tip of the fork at Siegfried.
"You're fine. I've never seen my brother get heartburn."
"The man, who was called Brother Superior, was nothing like Siegfried. Short-cut, aligned, black-crushed gray hair with red-brown eyes. Even though he's a disappointed, physically fit young man, his expression looks like a prankster's kid.
"Is that the princess you got?
"Oh. I say Aria. Isn't she cute?
"Um, nice to meet you. Me -"
"I don't need a tough greeting. If you know how to call it, it's enough."
"Excuse me......"
"Aria, my brother's not mad at me. That insensitive thing is normal to him."
"And your insignificant disgust."
A man who laughed at his tease distorts his lips laughably when he sees Aria in Siegfried's arms.
"It's Aeren Fleet. Well, nice to meet you."
A man who laughs in an exquisitely unpleasant way - Aeren Fleet is probably the man described beforehand to Siegfried.
"And you're so tiny. You know, I've always wanted to marry someone like this."
Because in an instant Aria was supposed to swell her cheeks, no doubt about it.