Siegfried disappears from the castle sometimes. It's done exactly in line with Aria's ovulation cycle. Besides, I can't even tell you to stop because the circumstances are just embarrassing. What I've noticed lately is that apparently there's another time when Siegfried will be gone.
In the beginning, I didn't know because it was worn with Aria's ovulation cycle. But as the moon passed, two cycles arose. Yes, Siegfried will be gone when the moon is full.
I glance at the round moon through the window of the room as hateful as it is, and I drop my eyes on the book I spread on my desk. The desk placed at the window is illuminated to the point where the moon is too bright to need a lamp.
"There's a full moon, so you spend less time with Master Sieg."
inflate cheeks, knowing it was a complete eight. The books I have read so far do not say anywhere about the relationship between the black beast and the full moon. But I asked Lars at noon and he told me that Siegfried wasn't feeling well on a full moon day. Siegfried, Lars and everyone else are basically sweet, but clouding the word when it comes to this topic.
I don't ask Aria deeply either because I know she doesn't want to be touched. I just don't get stopped from finding out what I want to know, so I go to the library every day. I was thankful that no one would say anything to stop me from wasting it.
Even Aria realizes it. The book in the library is dusty because no one touched it for a long time. Because I neglected to touch it. The dusty books showed signs that had been opened many times and loaded to such an extent that they seemed to rub off.
Siegfried or maybe when the ancestral return before it was born. We all tried our best to avoid the sad things that could happen to us. I ran out of hands, and in the end, I couldn't. So I locked it in my library so I could pretend not to see it, even if it was dusty.
I thought many times that maybe it was no good, maybe it was all for nothing. Still can't stop me from going to the library. No matter how small my hopes were, I didn't want to let go of myself anymore.
I followed him as I read the book, and when I realized it, the sun was rising high in the sky. Chisel cheeks are burned by the sun slipping through the window, waking up all the time.
"I shouldn't......!
Siegfried cares so much that he started sleeping in the morning because of too much nighttime. I'm letting Lars know if Aria showed up in the dining room in the morning due to the habit of caging herself late.
I just got scolded for missing breakfast the other day. It might be time to really ban access to the library.
I rush to check the clock and stroke my chest down for what is still before noon. At this hour we will be able to delude ourselves. Lars is too serious and sweats like a waterfall when I ask him to "keep it to himself". Seeing you get so wretched, I gave up early on asking for Lars' cooperation.
The wounds on the neck and arms were already painless, leaving only a tingling itch. Still don't remove the gauze because the dry scratches are still there. In Siegfried's eyes now, this scar would look terribly painful.
Choose a blouse with long sleeves so that the gauze covering the scars can hide. Because Aria wears all the blue, there was a lot of blue clothes in the closet to pack in at some point. The dress I brought from my country was transferred to the costume room as something I wouldn't use for the time being.
Choose a bright blue jumper skirt from the many blue garments. Tightened the braided bow on his chest with a completely used hand and wiped his face with a wet towel.
Comb your hair in front of the mirror and carefully place your hair band on your head. I want to wear something that matches him to look the cutest. Only when Aria praises you for being cute, her golden eyes glow gently. So I get a lot of compliments today and get those eyes back on their kind colors.
When I'm done, I'm in a hurry to jump out of the room and head to the dining room. I have to pack my breakfast in my stomach before Siegfried comes out of the room. He runs through the hallway flipping his skirt and rolls into the dining room. I noticed the other person and opened my eyes wide in an attempt to find Lars's hindsight and speak up.
"Mr. Viktor! Why are you here?
"Dear Aria, long time no see"
It was Viktor, who was supposed to be in his own country, who was on his way to the table with Lars. Viktor, with a gentle grin just like the last time he saw it, takes a seat when he realizes Aria.
"Dear Siegfried has nominated me to visit you as a messenger"
I'm just confused by the words of Viktor, who bowed his head beautifully. Aria hasn't heard of the messenger coming. When I turned my suspicious attention to Lars, I was distracted. I have no choice but to return my gaze to Viktor for an explanation.
"I got the letter. Aria said she was injured... she wanted to make an apology and then give us a chance to talk about the future."
"About the future?
"Because details have not yet been decided on the alliance between the two countries. The last time we went out, we were supposed to send a messenger from here."
"Yes...... sorry. I don't know anything."
"It must have been a lot of trouble, huh? I felt better and more relieved than I thought."
Gently pointing out that the ends of the skirt are bent and curly, dye the cheeks and panic to hem. I also fixed my disturbed hair and turned to Viktor again.
"Mr. Viktor, when did you arrive? Is there anyone else with you? Maybe Mr. Bruno's here, too?
"My father hasn't accompanied me this time. I'm busy in the country... more than that."
"... a letter?
"I thought you should read it to Aria."
Receive the white envelope provided and retrieve the note that was stored inside. What is spelled out in a concise sentence was an apology for wounding Aria - and a change in the terms of the alliance.
"This country offered to return Aria as part of their apology."
"This... this is crazy. 'Cause returns are not... things that can be exchanged so easily."
"It's not easy, so I picked you up. I'm still a young man, but as the son of the Chancellor, I'm here to pick you up as a representative of the country."
"Pick me up..."
I can't take my eyes off the contents of the letter as I listen to Viktor. Track the same sentence over and over again and put an unsweetenable word on your lips. As a price for wounding the deposited princess, the werewolf side said it was thinking of making maximum concessions with regard to the alliance between the two countries. He wants Aria back to the country, not marriages that will have a stronger meaning as hostages. The promised person of status in the future, if possible - is spelled out as wanting us to enter into a new marriage with Viktor.
"This is their choice. Don't you think it's a favorable condition for us that we don't even wish for?
"So suddenly......, even Mr. Viktor would be annoying, wouldn't he?
"I don't mind. Because Master Aria seems to be cute.... You've said that before."
"But that's..."
It should have been an excuse to dissolve Lillianne's engagement. I asked him that with my gaze, and Viktor just laughed calmly.
"If that country is hard for you to live in, you can move somewhere else."
"Mr. Viktor."
"I've been meaning to apply for marriage since I was alone... but I didn't think Lillianne's wife would decide to marry you."
Mr. Viktor, I don't know what you're talking about.
"That's what I always liked about you."
Strong-willed eyes stare at Aria in a calm grin no different from what she saw at a young age.
"So I don't mind. Whatever choice you make, I don't care if you're happy."
Everything is so sudden, it's like I'm not going to follow you. A clenched letter made a noise and wrinkle.
I didn't want expensive jewelry that my sisters could wear, watching from the wall. Neither the brilliant dress prepared for the glory nor the hand offered with the kind words wanted one. There is something more important and dear than that. I ask for it so much that I can get it out of my throat. That's all. I can't reach it.