In front of Siegfried's room, Aria took a big, deep breath. Exhale to the limit, then breathe air into your chest full.
"Dear Sieg! Good morning! I'll say it again because you don't seem to understand it yet! I'm not going back to the country! Because I like Master Sieg! If you're depressed enough to scratch it, why not be prepared enough to take responsibility and try to accompany you for the rest of your life! If you don't want to be laid on your butt in the future, stop being stubborn and show me one of your faces!
Mouth the fullest strength toward those who keep pulling hard. I cleared my ears for a while, but I still haven't heard back from Siegfried.
"I'll definitely make you regret trying to dump me twice!
Tell him to bite off, and hum his nose. I don't mind if I don't hear back. I know you're in there. Because if you're a well-eared Siegfried, there's no reason you can't hear a word so loud.
I realize I hear a laugh of dullness, and I look back in a hurry. The lord of laughter was Rebecca, loosening his cheeks and shaking his red copper hair when he said he couldn't enjoy it.
"Again today, you're very brave. What the hell is wrong with you?
"Thanks again, I started to say that this willingness to return me to my country without sexual punishment, etc! This is the second time you've tried to dump me!
Lift your eyes up cucumbers and con knock on the door of Siegfried's room.
"You made it clear you liked me. Are you telling me that's a lie, too?
From inside the room, I hear a slight noise. "It's not a lie..." replied a very small voice as she stuck her ear to the door and waited. Satisfied with it, grins at his mouth.
"Honesty is a good thing. Let's make lunch a treat."
From inside the room, I hear a creaking groan. I guess I also remembered about the meal I had him bring to my room this morning. It was no other aria who asked me to put all the food I hated about Siegfried on a plate. I was going to give it back a little meaning, but it seemed to work unexpectedly.
"A large assortment of green pieces, stop..."
He laughed with his nose at the weak voice from where he separated the door, and uttered his thoughtful tongue knowing that he had not seen it.
"It's out of the question to kettle on a meal that people have prepared for you! If you want to mouth what you like, get out of the room and head out to the dining room on your own feet!
He turned his back on Siegfried's room, which stood pimply and abandoned and determined the cage castle. Getting stuck around here forever is a waste of time. Do what you can. As usual, that's just it.
"If Master Aria wants, shall I walk into his room and drag him out?
They still can't stop laughing at Rebecca's offer, just think a little and then shake your head left or right. I think that's a very attractive invitation, but it doesn't make sense not to solve the fundamental place. Besides, I'd like to take on the role of dragging him out of the room myself.
"That's okay because I'll do it. Mr. Rebecca can do as he's always done."
"As always, is it?
To bewildered Rebecca, grinning.
"If you keep an eye on me, that's enough"
"... ok"
"I just can't come with you to the people I'm going to see. Because I have to stand alone."
"Where are you going?
"There's one more person I need to pull out!
Tighten your expression and look at the end of the hallway. The enemy is in the dining room. Whimpering about that, Aria proceeded down the hallway with her big crotch.
Find Eduwalt, eating alone at a large table in the dining room. He seems to be an appetizing werewolf, and when he returns to the castle he comes first to the dining room. Aria breathed heavily in her temper at the appearance of Eduwalt wearing large meat as usual today.
"Father-in-law! Good morning!
The inedible man, who would have noticed so much about Aria's arrival, finally looks up and tilts his neck.
"Yeah? Doesn't the atmosphere look a little different today?
"Until now, I was just wearing a cat at the behest of my own prime minister! I meant to be concerned because he was Sieg's father, but since it was a hassle, I decided to take off the cat! I'm a doggie in the first place! Wearing a cat forever doesn't suit you sexually!
"I don't know, are you saying you're finally willing to show your true nature?
Eduwalt distorts his mouth. The exfoliated dog teeth glowed dull.
"Yes! So I would also like your father-in-law to expose you to an ill-bottomed nature!
"Well, I don't know what..."
"I don't want that kind of annoying smell because it's a waste of time. Talk to me one-on-one, crack your belly."
"That being said, what the hell are we talking about?"
"It's up to you about Master Sieg, isn't it? I want to rub the information together once here. There are limits to what you can do alone."
A swordswallowing light dwells in the eyes that are narrowed down to be seen. Maybe this guy is someone who shouldn't turn to his enemies. It doesn't matter because he's Siegfried's father, or because he's the emperor of this country. Because this man, with a skilled spirit, should be able to trump it at a loss, even if it is within him.
"Why choose me for that opponent?
"Because I thought you were the most familiar. When Master Sieg was born, he was caged in a library just like me, wasn't he? You, the study hater, missed the book all by yourself, didn't you?
But it's never cold. I lived as the king of one country, worried, and I just had to be. Because of his painful position, he gained strength that Aria did not have. Such a respectable man. But now, I want to talk as reciprocally as possible. No, we have to talk reciprocally.
"Where did you hear that from?
Make Eduwalt, who speaks bitterly, laugh at you so well.
"A narrow castle, a rumor that once flowed, is something that remains deeply rooted."
"That's a pretty strong attitude.... Fair enough. What do you want to know? I'll give you an answer if you like."
"Don't be a jerk, tell me everything you know. Master Sieg passed on too much blood as a werewolf, didn't he?
"... oh yeah. I hadn't been born in a long time, but I didn't think my son would draw blood so hard that it would be completely bestialized."
"Are the medications you always take to keep you from veterinarizing?
"No, I'm not. It's meant to contain spiritual audacity. The most poisonous thing about that is the excitement. If the mind is calm, even the full moon will not change its appearance so easily.... That hasn't happened in the last few years. I hear your presence disturbs that mind unexpectedly."
"Is there something on your medicine... like a side effect? Something different from the original effect."
"If you keep taking your meds, nothing's wrong. If there's a problem, it's when the medicine expires. Until then, what I suppressed erupts all at once. That's why you have to keep taking your pills."
"But in the end, you're just forcing me to keep it down, right?
"What else do you want me to do? Leave him alone and he will eat and kill you from those close to him. Now it's not the Lord Himself who will be torn apart first."
Eduwalt's voice is mixed with slight irritation. There was nothing else I could do, a harsh glance insisted. Aria desperately excites her mind, which is about to be pressurized, and looks straight into her golden tea eyes.
"Are you sure?
"What are you trying to say?
"Everyone in this country is very sweet. I don't see what's wrong with that horrible beast."
"That's blue. Believe in only visible kindness, and you'll be in pain when you live."
"Perhaps so. But if you don't need a reason to be nice to people, don't you think you also don't need a reason to believe in kindness? I taught it here."
Eduwalt snorts small. I don't know if you're frightened or laughing, that's a strange look.
"Dear Eduwalt,"
"What. You can call it right now."
"I practiced. You won't be dressed without your tongue forever, will you?
Cough up really small and tone your throat.
"One, why don't you make a bet?
"You say it's a bet?
"If I could unleash his -- no, the black beast curse held by the people of this country, I'd like to be rewarded quite a bit then."
"You used to say curse."
Eduwalt seemed to think of something for a little while. But it's also a flash, and it immediately creates a distorted grin on my lips.
"Okay. I promise."
"Don't you ask what the reward is?
"Hmm. I'm not afraid enough of my little girl's shallow wisdom or anything. I'll swallow you twice as much as an awkward request."
The mean smiling face looks just like Aeren Fleet, but he looks a few steps twisted more than his son.
"Hehe, isn't Master Eduwalt looking a little sweet at the rumor-loving ladies?
"What the hell?"
"The truth is, we all know right now that we still can't dump our protégés or that little creatures don't have eyes."
Set aside a moment and leave Eduwalt dyed his face bright red, laughing and leaving the dining room behind. I stepped out firmly so that it would not be understood that it was aerobic.