Smelling the strong scent of medicine that made one's mind stunned, Yu Lao was shocked, his eyes widened in shock, his whole body instantly stood up and looked at the young man who was slowly stirring the liquid medicine in an incredible way. , His eyes were staring at the liquid medicine that hadn't exploded due to the incompatibility of the medicine in disbelief.

How, how is it possible!

How did he do it?When the liquid medicine is mixed in that way, how come there is no repelling of the medicine properties?Is there anything he missed?He, he couldn't see where the problem was!

Like the old man, the three examiners next to him were shocked, but what they were shocked was not that Feng Jiu's liquid medicine did not repel each other, because that kind of medicine refining techniques and procedures were no longer what they could see. Understand, they were surprised only by the smell of medicine. They didn't expect that this young man could actually refine the medicine.

Although the strong medicinal fragrance floated out, Feng Jiu did not stop, instead, while paying attention to the medicinal liquid, he continued to extract the final essence by distilling.

As time passed gradually, the strong medicinal fragrance permeating the air gradually faded, obviously without the previous strong medicinal fragrance, but the fragrance of the fragrance seemed to be purer.

Yu Lao watched Feng Jiu take out the final liquid medicine from the distiller, watched him take out two transparent bottles from his sleeves, and filled the light green liquid medicine. See this. He hurriedly walked over and came to the refining table.

"Okay, please check it!" She took out a bottle for Yu Lao to check.

From the beginning to the end, Yu Lao clearly understands that this young man is a medicine saint!That kind of technique is impeccable, and he seems to have mastered the knowledge of refining medicine that he doesn't even understand. Looking at the liquid medicine in front of him, he can even be sure that it is a liquid medicine comparable to the spiritual liquid. .

Moreover, he actually completed the refining in less than three hours, and this speed is also unexpected.

Suppressing the shock and excitement in his heart, he took out a small tube of medicinal solution for comparison, and evaluated the color and smell one by one. Finally, he looked at Feng Jiu and asked with excitement, "Little friend, dare to ask this medicine. What's the magic effect?"

"This is a bottle of medicinal solution that can help the breakthrough of cultivation. I added a double drug, so at least a monk or martial emperor level basalt can take it. As for the effect! It depends on everyone's situation, I also I'm not sure." She shrugged and said, anyway, she knew that the liquid medicine was enough.

Seeing that Yu Lao held the liquid medicine, his eyes lit up, but he didn't say a word for a while.The three people on the side could not help asking, "Yu, is he extremely or not? Is the color and smell of this medicine correct?"

Hearing this, Yu Lao returned to his senses. He looked at Feng Jiu as if looking at a luminous treasure. His eyes were full of excitement and excitement: "Good, good! Good! Young like Xiaoyou Medicine saint, let alone that it has never appeared in hundreds of third-class countries, even if it has never appeared in those second-class countries, little friends are really born ghosts, ghosts!"

Hearing this, the three examiners were dumbfounded in an instant, almost falling to the ground with their jaws.This young man has actually reached the level of Medicine Saint?

Seeing the three of them froze, Yu Lao shouted: "What are you doing in froze? Go and get the Medicine Saint badge! The old man will help Brother Feng bring it!