"I'm fine." Feng Jiu said, looking at No.1 and others: "Get them something to eat!"

"Okay!" Lei Xiao and the others responded, taking out the water and meat and passing them to them: "First eat some to replenish your physical strength, how about your injuries? Do you need to re-bandage?"

"No, they are just minor injuries." They shook their heads, took the water and drank, then took the meat and ate.

"Captain, are you okay on the 37th?" asked the one, who was asking for help.

"He was badly hurt, and desperately ran back to report the letter. After speaking, he passed out, but don't worry, there are two people left to take care of him."

Feng Jiu said, and sat down on the side, taking out the ancient book of the formation, flipping through it, taking a rough look at the formation on it, and then putting the things away, ready, this formation will be delivered at that time. Give Du Fan a good practice, I believe he can improve his formation skills again.

After resting for a while, the group went back again. About two hours later, they returned to the grove to join the other three. After everyone arrived, Feng Jiu replaced everyone who had been injured. With ordinary clothes, let them first go to find a yard near the Jubao Building to live in and take care of their injuries.

The other team went directly to the Jubao Building. After inquiring about the good news, she waited for orders before doing anything. She herself used the aurora transmission axis to go back to Tan Lao first.

So, in the evening, when the sky was getting darker, Feng Jiu entered the town and came to the market. She bought two catties of beef with sauce, and brought another jar of wine to Tan Lao's courtyard.

When she arrived at the small courtyard, there was no one inside, so she found two wine bowls after putting things on the table. When she was finished, she saw Lao Tan push the door in from outside and saw Feng sitting in the courtyard. At nine o'clock, he was also stunned.

"Grandpa Tan, are you coming? I bought beef and wine, and come here to taste it." Feng Jiu smiled and sat down at the table with a pair of eyes, while pouring the wine bowl over the wine.

The old Tan who recovered his senses was stunned, put the things down and walked forward, came to the table and sat down and stared at Feng Jiu, "Are you okay? Why did you come out?" He could still come out after entering the place. ?not simple.

"I've said that there will be nothing wrong." Feng Jiu said with a smile, and said, "I stayed there enough and left. By the way, I brought out all the people who were arrested with me. By the way, they ruined their turf."

Old Tan was speechless, staring at him speechlessly.

"Come on, let's not talk about that, taste this wine." She gestured and took a sip from the wine bowl.

Tan Lao calmed down, and then he took up the wine and suppressed his shock. Whether it was true or not, being able to sit here and say these things seems to be quite true, but such news is actually here. Have not receive yet?I'm afraid the people in the treasure building still don't know, right?

"Since you left, how come back here? What else do you want to do?" He didn't want to do something to the treasure building, did he?With this thought, Old Tan was shocked.

"Hey, don’t I want to come back and see you so that you don’t worry about it all the time? Besides, there are still some things to be dealt with, so I will come back again. I will leave when things are done. There is no chance to meet."

Feng Jiu said with a smile, and while pouring him wine, he said: "Try the beef, don't just drink."