Feng Jiu turned and left, and Leng Shuang also hugged the child to keep up. Leng Hua was slightly behind half a step, and said to Mei, "There is food in the kitchen. If you are hungry, go to the kitchen and have a look!" Leave.

Elder Mei watched them leave, touched his bald head, looked down at himself, stretched out his hand to perform a dust-cleaning technique, and saw that the whole person was renewed from head to toe.

He stroked his beard and smiled, and then walked out, going to the kitchen to see if he could fill his stomach.

For a person with his cultivation level, it doesn’t really matter whether he eats or not. He doesn’t know how many years of fasting. For the cultivator, eating is the appetite for the appetite. Kind of, but it's different.

However, thinking of what Feng Jiu said to him just now, he couldn't help thinking: Did she see it?I dare to entrust him with such a thing.

On the other side, Feng Jiu returned to the courtyard, and Leng Shuang and Leng Hua also came to the courtyard. After they were in the room, the two looked at each other and then asked, "Does the master know the origin of Elder Mei?"

Feng Jiu sat down in the room, poured a glass of water and drank, and said with a smile: "I don't know his origin, but I think I can faintly guess his origin."

"He seems to be a little different to the little master." Leng Hua thought, and then said his observation.

"Well, because he came for Xiao Hao'er." Feng Jiu said, playing with the teacup, and said: "If I guessed correctly, he should know Xiao Hao'er's life experience and will come to me, too. For Xiao Haoer."

"Then the master doesn't need to guard him? His strength is so strong, what if the little master is taken away?" Leng Shuang asked worriedly.

Feng Jiu smiled lightly and shook his head: "He won't. Judging from the situation when Xiao Hao'er was picked up at the beginning, it is estimated that Xiao Hao'er's parents are not in good condition. Compared with taking Xiao Hao'er back to bear it. Dangerous, he might as well stay here to guard it more realistically."

"Don't worry! He will not take Xiao Hao'er away, at least, not now. Moreover, his strength is very strong. He is guarding here, even if I go out, I don't have to worry about the house. Here, I'm not in the house, and you don't have to stop him from contacting Xiao Hao'er. If he wants to hold him, let him hold him and let him teach. This is only good for Hao'er."

Hearing this, the two nodded: "Yes."

Although he said that, Leng Hua was still a little worried and asked: "Master, Elder Mei has not admitted, if he did not come for the little master, but with ulterior motives, then..."

"I know what you are worried about." Feng Jiu chuckled lightly, glanced at the two of them, and said with a smile: "But you don't know, I let Huo Feng stay in Lengshuang's yard and stare at him, although Lao Mei Tiantian didn't express it much. He hadn’t done anything extraordinary these days when he entered the mansion, but one night, he sneaked into Lengshuang Yard to see Hao'er."

Upon hearing this, Leng Shuang was slightly surprised.That Elder Mei sneaked into her yard?She didn't even know at all.

"Master, Lengshuang is careless." She feels a little guilty. If there is anything, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Feng Jiu smiled slightly: "His strength is above me. It is only easy to sneak into your yard. You can't find him even if you are vigilant, so there is no need to blame yourself."