Of course, the auras of the few creatures that turned into Li ghosts are also extremely powerful. If compared to the level of monks, the strength of these Li ghosts should be at the peak of Fei Xian.

With this kind of strength, four or five besieged together, but it was not so easy to deal with. Even Wanyan Thirteen felt tricky for the first time.

Feng Jiu also noticed that those little ghosts did not dare to approach her, but these were not the same. Among the five ghosts that turned into ghosts, two went towards Wanyan Thirteen, and three did not. It came to her from three directions, and the body that was so powerful as it swallowed gradually seemed to have an entity, and they were drooling at this time, staring at her with an excited look, as if they had discovered something delicious. .

In an instant, the three Li ghosts rushed towards Feng Jiu with a hissing cry. The sharp and black nails pinched her neck, and the cold death and the air of death alternated, making her involuntarily. Frowned.

This gloomy breath of death is really uncomfortable!

She put away the dagger, and a flame condensed in her palm. The flame scattered from her hand into three groups and attacked the three ghosts. Two of them avoided, and the other came the fastest, but it couldn't dodge. Kai was hit by the flames, and Shengsheng burned a big hole in the ghost body that had just condensed into a solid body.


A screaming scream sounded, and the entity that had just condensed gradually became nothingness again. At this moment, a retreating Li ghost next to it slammed forward and swallowed the soul body with a big mouth.

Feng Jiu turned his hands, and the flames struck again. However, at this moment, the two Li ghosts pounced forward, and she felt a burst of pitch black in front of her, as if she had fallen into the boundless darkness, and even the surrounding sounds could not be heard.

"Wanyan Thirteen? Wanyan Thirteen?"

She shouted loudly, but did not hear the slightest echo. At this time, she looked around, but it was only boundless darkness. The feeling of reaching out to see her fingers made her feel that the cold air in the air became more and more serious. .

At this moment, a chaotic scream came from her ear, the sound disturbed her thoughts like a magic sound, trying to invade her brain to control her actions.

She saw the darkness, but scenes of scenes appeared. The scenes seemed to be memories from the depths of her mind. Around her, even if she didn't see them, she felt the cold air around her, as if Surrounded by ghosts.

It's just that those ghosts didn't dare to approach her, and the two ghosts with entities already disappeared, as if they had disappeared.

She illuminates her front vision with the flame of her palm, faintly as if seeing a little light in front of her, and then walks along the light.

"Feng Jiu! Feng Jiu!"

After Wanyan Thirteen received the two ghosts, he conquered the other two. However, one person fought the four ghosts alone, but he was badly injured. At this time, his face was a little pale, and sweat was oozing on his forehead. .

He covered the blood-stained wound with one hand, while shouting in Feng Jiu's ear: "Feng Jiu! Feng Jiu! Come back to God! Feng Jiu! Go back to your soul!"

Seeing her standing there quietly without breathing, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. After thinking about it, he put his finger on the blood on Feng Jiu's face.