Standing in front of the medicine table, Feng Jiu glanced over the elixir, and then, he began to pick out the elixir.She picked the elixir very fast, almost without even thinking about it, she reached out and picked it up and placed it on an empty table beside her.

The nineteen alchemists looked at her familiar feeling of taking the elixir, their eyelids twitched slightly, and there was a faint feeling of anxiety in their hearts.Looking at this little girl's behavior, how do you feel that she is familiar with the elixir?Could it be that they dug a hole and jumped in by themselves?

Seeing that little girl picked out the elixir without looking at the medicine list, they couldn't help but raised their minds, looked at the incense, and saw that it was half burned, and the table next to the little girl There are sixty or seventy of the elixir of medicine, to be less. I can't help but feel a little nervous.

This level will not be passed, right?Is there anything wrong with that hundred flavor elixir?

They kept staring because of nervousness, until they saw that one third of the incense was left, and the woman in red on the medicine table had already stopped.

"Okay." Feng Jiu looked at them and said.

The nineteen alchemists stared at her. They stared at her for a long time before they stepped forward and held the list of medicines written on them.

"Snake Fuzi is correct, the nine roots are correct, Voldelong is correct, and the conker purple heart is correct..."

They blindly faced each other, seeing that every elixir was not wrong, and among them, they deliberately picked a few elixir that were indistinguishable in shape or smell and mixed them into it, and she didn't make a mistake.

Holding the list, the nineteen alchemists looked at each other. They blinked their eyes and took a deep breath. They suppressed the weirdness that surged in their hearts, looked at Feng Jiu, picked up a potion and asked, "I'm here to ask you, this What is the elixir of taste? What is its effect?"

Feng Jiu glanced at it and said with a smile: "This is a seven-inch clear heart grass, which has the effect of calming the mind, calming the mind, clearing the heart and relieving worries."

"What about this one? How do you take this one instead of this one?" The alchemist took out another elixir with the same appearance as the seven-inch clear heart grass, and put it on the table and asked.

Feng Jiu pursed his lips and smiled: "The one written on the list is Qi Cun Qingxin Grass, but this one is Cun Cun Qing. Although the appearance is the same, the efficacy is different. Moreover, if Qi Cun Qingxin Grass is blooming, the color will be purple. These inches of green flowers are lavender, and the rhizomes under the leaves still show a lavender color. I would not confuse them."

Hearing this, the alchemists were half-spoken, unable to say anything to refute.Dare to love this little girl film has long known the difference between these two elixir, is it they themselves tossing and embarrassing here?


King Dan, who sat aside and watched the whole time, stroked his beard and smiled, his face turned into flowers and his eyes turned into crescents. He looked at the alchemists and said: "Everyone, this first pass, Is she over?"

Listening to King Pill's words, even if the nineteen alchemists didn't want to admit it, they still had to admit that Feng Jiu had passed the first test.

So they nodded, glanced at the woman in red with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, and said, "It's over, she has passed the first pass."

Feng Jiu's smile deepened on his lips, and he bowed his hand to the nineteen people, and said with a smile: "Second level, please be merciful!"