With that, his voice paused and asked, "I wonder if you have any recommendations?"

Guan Xilin was thinking about the chess piece, and listening to his words, he asked, "A place that is clearer and quieter? There are many in the city. Have you been there?" He stared at the chess piece, thinking, which step is better?

"I've been to famous places, and the scenery and environment are average, very similar to many towns." He said, his voice was soft and indifferent, as if he were chatting, and people couldn't detect any meaningful inquiry.

Guan Xilin was thinking about the chess piece, and he didn't think much about his words for a moment. He just followed his words and said: "There is a place you must have never been to. The scenery in that place is amazing, but not here. In the city."

While talking, he dropped the chess piece, then raised his head and smiled: "It's you."

Jun Jueshang glanced at the chessboard, calmly picked up a chess piece and dropped it, while asking: "Oh? There is such a place? I don't know where it is? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Taohuawu! The scenery in that place is amazing. The peach blossoms are in full bloom all year round and the flowers are scented. This is Xiaojiu's place. In the past, the peach blossoms in Taohuawu only bloomed in March. Later, after Xiaojiu took over, People planted peach blossoms that bloom everywhere. Therefore, the peach blossoms there are constant all year round. Everyone who comes here will go to Taohuawu for a walk, which is especially suitable for men and women who are in love."

When he said this, Guan Xilin couldn't help but stunned and looked up at Jun Jueshang who was sitting across from him. For a while, the smile on his face was a bit silly.

"This, that, hehe..."

When it was over, he unexpectedly told Taohuawu out without notice. Wanyan Qianhua lives there. If he finds it, then...

"Taohuawu?" Jun Jueshang read these three words lightly. He looked at Guan Xilin and asked, "Where is this?"

After seeing Guan Xilin's expression, Jun Jueshang stood up carelessly: "It's okay, I will find it." Then, he turned and walked out.

The people in the mansion wouldn't say it, but when you go outside the mansion, just ask someone to ask, and you will naturally know where Taohuawu is.

Seeing Jun Jueshang turned and left, Guan Xilin couldn't help but feel a little anxious, worried that he might be in trouble, so he hurriedly went to Feng Jiu's courtyard: "Little Jiu, Xiao Jiu!"

Feng Jiu was lying on the soft couch basking in the sun. When he heard his voice, he slowly opened his eyes, and asked without waking up, "Brother? What's the matter?"

"Xiao Jiu, I was playing chess with Jun Jueshang just now. Unexpectedly, he asked me a few words while I was thinking about chess. I didn't notice it, so I told Taohuawu. He has gone outside now. , I'm afraid I went to Taohuawu."

After listening to what he said, Feng Jiu smiled lightly: "It's okay, now my sister's stomach has been more than four months, and he didn't dare to do anything to my sister."

While talking, she sat up and smiled: "However, I still have to go and see, after all, the two people get along with each other in a strange way, not to mention, I am also curious, waiting for him to see my sister's bulging belly. , What will be the reaction?"

Therefore, Feng Jiu followed suit and went to Taohuawu.

Counting the days, her sister's belly is more than four months old, and it is indeed time for Jun Jueshang to take a look, but I don't know, when he sees her sister's big belly, will he be able to stand it?